Musik / klaver solo

The Brandenburg project : twelve concertos

Anmeldelser (65)

Klassik heute

d. 17. okt. 2018



Rainer W. Janka

d. 17. okt. 2018

"Die Hauptfrage bei Bachs Brandenburgischen Konzerten ist immer das Tempo: Lars Ulrik Mortensen mit seinem Concerto Copenhagen wagt keine halsbrecherisch-hysterischen Rasereien, sondern wählt natürlich-unaufgeregte, gleichwohl beschwingte und auch manchmal sehr schnelle Tempi, die Tempi sind auch innerhalb des jeweiligen Konzerts ausgewogen. Immer herrscht ein 'natürlicher' Spielfluss vor, ohne extrem ausgereizte rhythmische Effekte".

The times

d. 7. feb. 2010



Hugh Canning

d. 7. feb. 2010

"Here's something that hasn't come my way in decades: a set of the Brandenburgs recorded on modern instruments ... The sound of modern instruments now seems strange to ears used to period ones, but Chailly and the Leipzigers have taken on board the stylistic findings of the period movement - these are fleet, enjoyable accounts, with virtuoso playing of the solo parts".





Blair Sanderson


" Abbado observes the main points of Baroque scholarship, such as lively tempos and small numbers of players, but the lack of free ornamentation and the minimal use of improvisation mark these as mainstream performances, albeit with appropriate touches of Baroque techniques and color".

Klassik heute

d. 1. juli 2021



Martin Blaumeiser

d. 1. juli 2021

"Klassik Heute Empfehlung: Die beeindruckende Virtuosität der Solisten und das Schwedische Ensemble selbst sorgen hier für eine Frische, die trotz der Rasanz einiger Sätze immer noch Raum für ausgesprochen wohlklingende Detailarbeit lässt ... Das ist eine der zwingendsten Darbietungen der Brandenburgischen überhaupt! ... Die sechs Auftragskomponisten verwenden Bachs Vorbilder auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise als Anknüpfungspunkt für ihre Konzerte ... Diese von Thomas Dausgaard präzisest erarbeite Version ist musikalisch eine Offenbarung und macht ja auch in Verbindung mit den modernen Konzerten Sinn ... Eine klare Empfehlung".

Classics today

d. 24. nov. 2009



David Hurwitz

d. 24. nov. 2009

"First-class engineering and generous timings (nearly 70 minutes per disc) make this set a prime recommendation if you are looking for this repertoire on period instruments. Outstanding in every way".


d. 31. aug. 2018



John Christiansen

d. 31. aug. 2018

"Det er lækkert Bach, men det er ikke min Bach. Jeg kunne ønske mere saft og kraft og mere uforudsigelighed ... Der går en impuls igennem Lars Ulrik Mortensens lette og behændige rytmiske gengivelser, som jeg flere gange fornemmer som kedsommeligt lallende, selvom de også kombineres med noget forfinet. Og det vil alle læserne ikke være enig med mig i".

MusicWeb international

2018 November



Dominy Clements

2018 November

"The First Concerto shows Lars Ulrik Mortensen taking us on quite leisurely ride, not going for extremes of tempo or hard-hitting virtuosity, but allowing the music to breathe and resonate. These are not slow performances by any means, but the horns in the first movement are perhaps a little too polite ... Small string groups ensure that the Third Concerto is crisp and light, and effect enhanced by Mortensen's sprightly and rhythmic harpsichord ... The Fifth Concerto with its concerto grosso feel and significant harpsichord part is given a fine workout in this performance ... I certainly didn't come away feeling I'd learned much new about these works. If you are a fan of Concerto Copenhagen and are collecting Lars Ulrik Mortensen's output then you will in no way be disappointed by this recording, but otherwise it's one of many".





Blair Sanderson


"This set of Bach's six Brandenburg Concertos is the first instrumental outing for the Scottish period ensemble ... The music is by turns brusque and gentle, and at times quite raucous, as it should be in the Concerto No. 1 in F major with its echoing horn calls, chattering oboes, and buzzing bassoon, and vigorous in the Concerto No. 3 in G major, with its energetic string playing ... the marvelous depth of field and richness of the sonorities make it well worth purchasing".

MusicWeb international

2018 February



Michael Cookson

2018 February

"On this immensely gratifying recording of the Brandenburg Concertos under Goebel's direction the Berliner Barock Solisten is in sterling form and stand comparison with the finest accounts. These are performances of sparkling freshness and unquenchable vitality that add a striking sense of colour to these frequently recorded scores".

The guardian

d. 11. mar. 2011



Nicholas Kenyon

d. 11. mar. 2011

"Does the world need another set of Brandenburgs? Yes, when they are as freshly minted and as adventurously sonorous as this marvellous set from Abbado's young period-style Orchestra Mozart ... Abbado leads supple, imaginative readings; a great deal of the strong character is provided by his leader, violinist Giuliano Carmignola, and there is a brilliant harpsichord solo from Ottavio Dantone in the fifth concerto".

RBB Kultur

d. 17. sep. 2021



Rainer Baumgärtner

d. 17. sep. 2021

"Album der Woche: Bachs Brandenburgische Konzerte gibt es schon in zahllosen Aufnahmen - historisch informiert oder mit modernen Instrumenten ... Auch die Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin hat den Zyklus vor knapp 25 Jahren schon einmal eingespielt ... Doch heute hat AKAMUS eine andere Sicht auf die sechs Konzerte. Und die hat das Ensemble in einer aktuellen Aufnahme festgehalten - mit zwei prominenten Solisten: Die Geigerin Isabelle Faust und der Bratscher Antoine Tamestit spielen mit".


d. 26. sep. 2018



Thomas Michelsen

d. 26. sep. 2018

"Barokmusik Barokensemblet Concerto Copenhagen har lavet en suveræn indspilning af 'Brandenburgkoncerterne' ... På pladerne leverer de perfektion, men uden at energien går tabt ... Det er et internationalt foretagende, der har sin egen plastiske sound, og de seks koncerter gnistrer ... Endnu et pletskud af et Bach-album fra det danskbaserede, internationale barokensemble".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 24. sep. 2018



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 24. sep. 2018

"Concerto Copenhagens mange tilhængere vil vide, hvad der venter dem. Ensemblet spiller ... med en kunstnerisk dybde, der går hånd i hånd med livsglæde, indsigt og aldrig svigtende energi. Og det gælder vel at mærke alle seks koncerter, så der er tale om en særdeles helstøbt udgivelse med Lars Ulrik Mortensen som ankermand - ikke alene har han den musikalske ledelse, han udfolder sig også med herlig vitalitet på sit cembalo".

Berlingske tidende

d. 18. nov. 2008



Søren Schauser

d. 18. nov. 2008


d. 17. apr. 2014



Thomas Michelsen

d. 17. apr. 2014

"Elegancen, den direkte lækkerhed og det boblende spil scorer højt på en nyudgivelse, der konkurrerer overbevisende med de bedste periodeindspilninger på markedet fra orkestre som Il Giardino Armonico og Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment ... Den tyske koncished og konsistente fremdrift er fremragende ... Hos tyskerne fra Freiburg swinger Bachs seks koncerter jordbundet og flot".


d. 6. okt. 2009



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 6. okt. 2009

"Under ledelse af den lynhurtige cembalist og barokprofessor Masaaki Suzuki udsætter de ni specialister Bachs seks hæderkronede Brandenburgkoncerter for forsøg på ' autentiske opførelser' i hysterisk hurtige hastigheder og med en sprød, blank lyd fuldstændig fri for tyngdekraft. Der er på nørdet vis tænkt over tingene. Bl. a. eksperimenterer de med instrumenter, som måske har været anvendt. F. eks. de nu udgåede små skuldercelloer, som giver et langt spinklere klangbillede".

Fyns Amts Avis

d. 10. okt. 2018



Mikael Krarup

d. 10. okt. 2018

"Jeg er sikker på, at mange musikelskere, der er fortrolige med disse seks koncerter, vil nyde det noget rå, det direkte, det spændstigt rytmiske i denne indspilning. Her er ikke mange dikkedarer, ikke meget sødme over opførelserne, det er den formodentligt og den tilnærmelsesvist ægte vare ... Men man må lade orkestret, at dynamikken, kraftfuldheden og energien smitter. Det er en fornøjelse at lytte til ... eminent fortolket af Lars Ulrik Mortensen".

Berlingske tidende

d. 19. dec. 2018



Søren Schauser

d. 19. dec. 2018

"Årets 10 klassiske udgivelser - 4: Gamle stykker på gamle instrumenter skal ikke længere gå over stok og sten. Senere indspilninger af eksempelvis Johann Sebastian Bachs musik er som regel holdt en anderledes kultiveret stil. Når man hører Concerto Copenhagen under ledelse af herlige Lars Ulrik Mortensen spille de seks "Brandenburg-koncerter" med piccoloviolin og hele pivtøjet, får man faktisk lidt den ellers dybt bedagede optagelse med Festival Strings Lucerne i tankerne - hvilket føles berigende fra ende til anden".


d. 21. apr. 2010



John Christiansen

d. 21. apr. 2010

"Vi får en anden nyere og solid midttysk tradition med Riccardo Chailly. Den har også sine kvaliteter i de seks Brandenburger-koncerter".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 7. dec. 2005



Bernhard Lewkovitch

d. 7. dec. 2005


d. 24. okt. 2005



John Christiansen

d. 24. okt. 2005


d. 19. dec. 2005



Knud Ketting

d. 19. dec. 2005

Fono Forum

2019 Januar



Matthias Hengelbrock

2019 Januar

"Es wird sofort klar, dass Lars Ulrik Mortensen und das Concerto Copenhagen diese populären Stücke ... auf einem sehr hohen technischen Niveau einfach gut Musik machen. Artikulation, Phrasierung und Dynamik sind klug, aber nicht aufdringlich gestaltet, alle Tempi sind mit Augenmass gewählt, ohne dass an den entscheidenden Stellen der nötige Schwung ausbliebe, die Balance der einzelnen Stimmen ist ... immer perfekt. Alles prima".


2019 janvier



Philippe Ramin

2019 janvier


2018, nr. 51



Per Rask Madsen

2018, nr. 51

"Johann Sebastian Bachs seks Brandenburgkoncerter, komponeret omkring 1711-20, er en uudtømmelig kilde ... Med Concerto Copenhagen indeholder Brandenburgkoncerterne alt, hvad hjertet kan begære: jordbundethed og himmelsk stræben, enkelhed og spidsfindighed, ro og uforudsigelighed. Man er aldrig i tvivl om, at pengene passer, og alligevel spidser man ofte ører undervejs - kan det og det virkelig være rigtigt? Sikke en rigdom".

BBC music magazine

2013 October



Nicholas Anderson

2013 October

"Melodic ideas are beautifully punctuated and phrased, vibrato is used strictly ornamentally, and tempos strike my sensibilities as pretty well ideal. Perhaps what I like most of all, though, is an all-pervading atmosphere of intimate and convivial dialogue ... Occasional moments of rough horn playing in the First Concerto did little to temper my otherwise unqualified enthusiasm".

BBC music magazine

2009 Christmas



Nicholas Anderson

2009 Christmas

"Vurdering: Disc of the month - Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "In summary, this lively new look at the Brandenburgs from Gardiner and his excellent English Baroque Soloists is refreshing and likely to provide enduring pleasure".

BBC music magazine

2009 February



Nicholas Anderson

2009 February

"It displays Pinnock's seemingly unassailable ability to choose an effective, just tempo for each movement, and his infectious rhythmic energy both as director from the harpsichord and as accomplished soloist ... In summary, this is a splendid achievement".

Fono Forum

2009 Juli



Matthias Hengelbrock

2009 Juli

"Eine sehr intellignete und in ihrer Haltung äusserst sympatische Aufnahme mit kleinen Schönheitsfehlern".

BBC music magazine

2021 August



Bayan Northcott

2021 August

"Some purists may take exception to Dausgaard's tempos or dynamics here and there, but the Bach performances, for the most part, are crisp, lively and expressive, and the BIS recording vivid, clear and spacious".

Fono Forum

2010 Dezember



Reinmar Emans

2010 Dezember

"Doch auch sonst läufft alles in gewohnt hoher musikalischer Qualität ab ... Dei Solisten sind vorzüglich".

Fono Forum

2014 November



Arnd Richter

2014 November

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Von weniger als einem Jahr die dritte Hochglanz-Produktion der sechs Brandenburgischen Konzerte - braucht man das? Ja, das braucht man, wenn die Interpretationen so unterschiedlich sind ... Die Virtuosität sowohl der einzelnen Musiker als auch des Kollektivs gestattet eine forsche Tempowahl in den schnellen Sätzen, denen ein ausdrucksstarkes, an musikalischen Gesten reiches Spiel in den langsamen im wirkungsvollen Kontrast entgegensteht".

Fono Forum

2014 Februar



Arnd Richter

2014 Februar

"Starke Solo- und Ensembleleistungen prägen diese Produktion und zeigen, dass auch in diesem populären Repertoiresegment noch lange nicht alles gesagt ist. Lotters Interpretationen dieser Klassiker atmen den Geist unserer Zeit ... Man weiss gar nicht recht, was man als musikalischen Höhepunkt dieser Produktion herausstellen soll".

BBC music magazine

2021 December



Martin Cotton

2021 December

"Light and lithe, the opening movement of the First Concerto sets the style for these accomplished and enjoyable performances ... Isabelle Faust and Antoine Tamestit make their first appearance in the Third Concerto, and the very rapid speeds in the outer movements sometimes leads to loss of detail, despite the virtuosity of the playing. No such problem in the Fourth Concerto, with Faust bouncing off the pair of recorders, and shaping her line with some delicious agogic accents".

Fono Forum

2022 Januar



Matthias Hengelbrock

2022 Januar

"Gibt es wirklich keine Alternative zu dem Bestreben, mit jeder Neueinspielung berühmter Werke neue Temporekorde aufzustellen? Technisch läuft das zwar bei den Berlinern alles inzwischen wie am Schnürchen, aber es gehen viele Details verloren, zumal die Akustik der Berliner Christuskirche ... für diese Musik zu hallig ist".

The gramophone

2019 January



Lindsay Kemp

2019 January

"The tone of Concerto Copenhagen's Brandenburgs is set right at the beginning ... This is one to settle down to in the fading light of afternoon. Free of bombast and happy to linger on finely turned detail, it is altogether a different pleasure ... Not a Brandenburg set of the hard-hitting, exuberant kind, but one which just holds things back enough to reveal the music's wealth of musical detail, as well as the refined musicality of its players. There is, of course, room for both approaches".

The gramophone

2013 Awards



David Vickers

2013 Awards

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "The Dunedin players forge their own identity and capture what Butt praises as 'carefree, joyous and spontaneous works' ... Notwithstanding the distinguished Brandenburg discography, this set is nothing short of sensational".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 6. mar. 2000


d. 6. mar. 2000

The gramophone

2018 February



Lindsay Kemp

2018 February

"A new set of the Brandenburgs from Reinhard Goebel? One's mind immediately goes back to the 1980s, when his first, typically provocative recording with Musica Antiqua Köln dropped its little bomb of shock and awe ... The sound of it is different from the earlier recording, of course, even though perhaps only the oboes are easily recognisable as modern rather than period ... The standard of playing of the Berliners, built largely of musicians from the Berlin Philharmonic and the Akademie für Alte Musik, is excellent. Maybe with its oddities this is not a Brandenburg recording to favour over all others, but then such a thing probably doesn't exist".

International record review

2010 March



Carl Rosman

2010 March

"These new recordings from the Gewandhaus Orchestra feature a lightness that would have been almost unthinkable in a full orchestral recording not so long ago ... Not, then, a completely coherent set of performances and certainly not an unequivocal success, but there is more than enough here to make for stimulating listening and even more stimulating reflection on what Bach on orchestral instruments might mean today".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 6. mar. 2000


d. 6. mar. 2000

Berlingske tidende

d. 17. maj 2000


d. 17. maj 2000

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 3. maj 2004


d. 3. maj 2004


d. 19. apr. 2000


d. 19. apr. 2000

Berlingske tidende

d. 17. maj 2000


d. 17. maj 2000


d. 15. feb. 2000


d. 15. feb. 2000

Fono Forum

2024 Juni



Klemens Hippel

2024 Juni

"Welch tiefer Griff in die Geschichte der Bach-Rezeption: Dies sind die ersten Aufnahmen der Brandenburgischen Konzerte ... Im dritten Konzert darf dann Wilhelm Furtwängler persönlich übernehmen - und das Maschinenhafte tritt zurück: Hier wird gestaltet! ... Umso interessanter ist der letzte Bonus-Track: Alois Melichars Bearbeitung der Toccata und Fuge BWV 565 für Orchester aus dem Jahre 1939!".

The gramophone

2024 May



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2024 May

"Danacord has reissued an early set of Brandenburg Concertos featuring the Berlin Philharmonic under the leadership of Alois Melichar, with violinist Szymon Goldberg ... a superb player, refined and agile, is anything but heavyhanded ... There are fill-ups, too ... The Berlin Staatsoper 'under the personal direction of the Danish conductor Georg Høeberg' (1924), neither of them exactly roof-raisers but interesting to have ... All the transfers are excellent ... and so are Claus Byrith's notes".

International record review

2009 November



Simon Heighes

2009 November

"None of the concertos stands out from the pack as markedly more impressive or insightful than the others. Indeed, what particularly catches the ear are the final fast movements - where the relish of the dance is perfectly balanced with a deep understanding of the textural and rhetorical riches just beneath the surface. For the last four concertos in particular, this is umissable".

The gramophone

2006 March



Lindsay Kemp

2006 March

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "This is not a Brandenburg set that sets out to score points, ans all that is needed from us is to sit back and enjoy its relaxed, celebratory spirit".

International record review

2011 April



Stephen Pruslin

2011 April

"All in all, this new Abbado set is euphonious and beautiful, and it should be aquired without hesitation".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 6. mar. 2000


d. 6. mar. 2000

International record review

2009 April



Andrew O'Connor

2009 April

"Egarr's Brandenburgs are the new bench-mark recording both for scholarship and simply superb music-making".

The gramophone

2009 June



Lindsay Kemp

2009 June

"These Brandenburgs, then, can be both alluring and vexatious. But then, show me worthwhile ones that aren't?".


2021, nr. 103



Camilla Lundberg

2021, nr. 103

"Nu är det äntligen i hamn - The Brandenburg Project ... Hela härligheten samlad i en cd-box med en ambitiös och övergripande verkbeskrivning signerad projektets upphovsman och dirigent, Thomas Dausgaard ... Det var 2001 som Svenska Kammarorkestern började skissa på att komplettera och kombinera JS Bachs sex Concerti Grossi "för allehanda instrument" med nykomponerad musik ... Men funkar konceptet med denna brokiga blandning brandenburgare? ... Svaret är Ja! ... Och alldeles underbart!".

The gramophone

2021 August



Andrew Mellor

2021 August

"The Swedish Chamber Orchestra's 'Brandenburg Project' asked six composers to chose a concerto and write a response piece for the same forces (they were allowed to substitute one instrument) ... 'The Brandenburg Project' doesn't result in a meaningful whole, given the composers respond with varied ideas of what a complementary or reflective work can be ... But there's no doubting Dausgaard has accomplished his mission to make us hear these pieces differently. His 'Brandenburg Project' is nourishing and frequently a lot more".

International record review

2010 November



Christopher Price

2010 November

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "Overall, Kuijken and his ensemble's performances of these familiar works, like the Academy of Ancient Music's under Egarr, are strikingly free of surprise and gimmicks ... Simply outstanding".

The gramophone

2010 November



Jonathan Freeman-Attwood

2010 November

"Uneven Brandenburgs - but the best here is both original and illuminating ... Mention should be made of the superbly stylish harpsichord protagonist, Ewald Demeyre, and the fine flute and recorder playing of the season Barthold Kuijken".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 6. mar. 2000


d. 6. mar. 2000

High fidelity

1999 2


1999 2

The gramophone

2021 November



Lindsay Kemp

2021 November

"The Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin's second recording of the 'Brandenburg Concertos' ... celebrates the 30th anniversary of this tight-knit little band. This time, however, they have invited two distinguished guests to join in the fun: violinist Isabelle Faust ... and Antoine Tamestit ... Not that they take over the show ... more a meeting of friends than star vehicle, and fittingly the performances have a real sense of communal enjoyment ... The most naturally exciting performances, to my ear, are the two string concertos ... No 3 ... is a real winner".

The gramophone

2014 May



Jonathan Freeman-Attwood

2014 May

"An uncanny sense of corporate cohesion ... yields luxuriant textures, polished ensemble and meticulously plotted conceptions, born of single-mindedness and an embedded familiarity with their colleagues and the material ... Only a true curmudgeon would deny that there is joy to be had in the ... musical accomplishment here ... A curate's egg of a Brandenburg".

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