Music / rock

The carpenter

Reviews (3)


d. 10. Sep. 2012



Rachael Maddux

d. 10. Sep. 2012

"In its most lucid moments, at least, it grapples with something perhaps more unfathomable than dying-- not being old, but growing old. "Things change and get strange with the movement of time/ It's happening right now to you," Scott drawls on "Down with the Shine" ... Too many of the other songs feel starved of that love, though".





James Christopher Monger


"At its heart, which is most definitely on its sleeve, The Carpenter is a relatively simple, country-folk record, albeit one with a college degree, and when it connects it hits that sweet spot between joy and despair that has served as the target for many a dusty brimmed singer/songwriter over the years. The Avett Brothers aren't rewriting the book, they're just translating it for a new generation".

Gaffa [online]

d. 15. Oct. 2012



Lars Löbner Jeppesen

d. 15. Oct. 2012

"Brødrene Seth og Scott er stadig nogle kompetente sangere og sangskrivere, men at vægte balladerne så højt som her er en misser, når bandets største styrke uomtvisteligt er at spille, så støvet står op om ørene på dem - med en stortromme som drivkraft. Derfor er The Carpenter mestendels blot solidt håndværk, hvor kun Live And Die, Pretty Girl From Michigan, I Never Knew You og Geraldine formår at matche det passionerede bagkatalog".