Music / rock

The conversation

Reviews (2)


d. 17. May 2013



Philip Matusavage

d. 17. May 2013

"For the most part, however, this is an interesting and adept reinvention for a band who had previously seemed consigned to irrelevancy. It feels rawer than their past few albums, with only the glossy pop of Detroit City sounding like an obvious attempt to revive the radio anthems of their heyday. Its chugging guitars and soaring synths recall The Killers, but its self-conscious chorus isn't quite up to the job demanded of it".

Gaffa [online]

d. 20. May 2013



Jan Opstrup Poulsen

d. 20. May 2013

"Det lyder (...) til at være en helt bevidst retrolyd med guitarekko, som Texas har forelsket sig i på The Conversation. Det tilfører nu ikke noget videre til bandet, der i den grad kører den hjem på rutinen og vokalen. Men her kan de til gengæld stadig gøre sig gældende".