Music / hip hop

The good fight

Reviews (2)





David Jeffries


"Mixing the bright retro soul of Aloe Blacc with the literate and alive lyrics of Kendrick Lamar, underground rapper Oddisee's work is more persuasive than usual on his 2015 LP The Good Fight, an excellent album that strives to crossover but doesn't pull any punches ...This is Oddisee's tenth album in just seven years. He may be prolific, but he certainly isn't spread too thin, as The Good Fight is inspired, infectious, and artistically grand".


d. 1. May 2015



Marcus J. Moore

d. 1. May 2015

"The Good Fight is technically a hip-hop record, but the vibe here is decidedly eclectic, building upon the kaleidoscopic method he's employed for 13 years. If Odd's debut album addressed the uncertainty he felt about his artistic trek, The Good Fight proclaims the success of said path ... The Good Fight exudes a sense of artistic freedom not heard on Oddisee's previous releases. The music feels distinctly international and unhindered, far removed from the straight-ahead boom-bap he used to make. He's always created on his own terms, but The Good Fight feels like a hearty "fuck you" to prevailing groupthink and the industry's creative limitations".