Music / rock

The long sleep

Reviews (3)


d. 7. June 2018



Martin Minka Jensen

d. 7. June 2018

"En EP hvor der er tale om to reelle numre, en langtrukken og søvndyssende ambientopvisning samt et spoken word indslag på halvandet minut tilsat panfløjter: Det er omtrent det Jenny Hval disker op med denne gang. Det er desværre en skuffende omgang, der ikke kan reddes af hendes ellers behagelig stemme. Hvor er den Jenny Hval, der med sin egen sanselige pop leverede vedkommende og konsistent sangskrivning?".


d. 13. June 2018



Spyros Stasis

d. 13. June 2018

"Any music that Jenny Hval has produced addressed the listener on a personal level. There always seems to be an inherent honesty about her music and the concept behind her works, and that continues to be the case with The Long Sleep. This is further highlighted in the outro of the album "I Want to Tell You Something", where she offers a heartfelt closer. And it ties in with what occurs in The Long Sleep, with Hval displaying a different take on her style, deconstructing certain notions and taking a reflective vantage point towards her music".


d. 4. June 2018



Abigail Covington

d. 4. June 2018

"Unclear messages and unspooled melodies break new ground for Hval, and she inhabits it with grace on The Long Sleep. It's as penetrating a work as Blood Bitch and its predecessor, Apocalypse, girl, but more humble in concept and more suspicious of its own claims. The EP's comforting antidote to confusion isn't clarity; it's ambiguity. More than any unifying theme, what ties the record together is just Hval herself-resting as she dreams up her next step".