Music / rock

The mindsweep

Reviews (2)

Drowned in sound

d. 15. Jan. 2015



Luke Beardsworth

d. 15. Jan. 2015

"The Mindsweep is Enter Shikari at their most inspirational and consistent and as a result, their best record yet".


d. 14. Jan. 2015



Mischa Pearlman

d. 14. Jan. 2015

"Fourth album 'The Mindsweep' - the title refers to "those in power withholding or discrediting new ideas" - sounds just as powerful as its predecessors. It's dominated, as usual, by frontman Rou Reynolds' distinctive vocals, forcefully ramming home his lyrics. The record is bookended by two particularly harsh showcases - 'The Appeal And The Mindsweep I' and 'The Appeal And The Mindsweep II' - which both see him explode into shouts of "I am a mindsweeper / Focus on me!". But he is flexible, and flits between styles".