Music / rock

The prodigal son


Summary: Ry Cooder's latest album is all America, with spiritual, hopeful voices, raw cries, and sly provocations, voiced through the songs of the Pilgrim Travelers, the Stanley Brothers, Blind Willie Johnson, and Ry Cooder himself.

Reviews (5)





Thom Jurek


"Prodigal Son is yet another act of committed intention from one of American music's greatest guardians and purveyors. In its grain, aesthetic pleasure and the will for justice converse and ultimately convince the rest of us to act".

Gaffa [online]

d. 12. June 2018



Henrik Friis

d. 12. June 2018

"Cooder [bruger] gospel, stille hymner og skramlende eller hypnotisk blues fra den amerikanske fortid og rammer med usvigelig sikkerhed der, hvor det gør ondt. Kristendom, egoisme, udnyttelse m.v. Og serveret så elegant og overbevisende".


d. 16. May 2018



George De Stefano

d. 16. May 2018

"Cooder has said that the album grew out of his 2015 tour with country and bluegrass singer Ricky Skaggs, Skaggs' wife Sharon White, and her group, the Whites. This longtime Cooder fan caught the tour when it came to Carnegie Hall and found it an enjoyable if not entirely satisfying experience. Though the music often was beautiful and always superbly played, the show rarely excited and, with so many religious songs, its piety came to feel oppressive. The white gospel music was tuneful and sincere, but it lacked the emotional fervor, rhythmic force, and passion for freedom and social justice more typical of African American gospel. The Prodigal Son, with its blues, R&B;, and black gospel, is a more varied and engaging venture".

Dagbladet [Norge]

d. 11. May 2018



Øyvind Rønning

d. 11. May 2018

"Cooders egen «Jesus & Woody», på tampen av albumet, oppsummerer på mange måter dette albumet tematisk: gospel, spirituals, blues - i Woody Guthries ånd, med Jesus ringside (uten at Cooder nødvendigvis er religiøs - han bare verdsetter sangarven). ... Ry Cooder debuterte i 1970, og har gitt ut plater jevnlig siden, med toppene jevnt fordelt utover tiåra ... 26 år seinere er det helt greit at du titter innom igjen, Ry Cooder!".


2018 Summer



Jamie Renton

2018 Summer

"[Ry Cooder] never sounded young (even when he was) and has always been about musical craftsmanship and tradition rather than image. Now in his 70s, Cooder's been on a bit of a roll with his recorded output lately and this latest album is the best he's done for decades. There's a strong gospel theme running through it, alongside the political anger that's fuelled a lot of his best recent work ... Vocally, he's never sounded better and it should come as no great shock to anyone that his guitar playing is up to the usual high standard".