
The source

Reviews (2)

Angry metal guy

d. 23. May 2017



Angry Metal Guy

d. 23. May 2017

"The Source, if I'm understanding it correctly, is a story about the Alphans-who are the ancestors of humans? (I've never been clear on this point)-leaving their world for a new one (hint: Planet Y) because a rogue AI has decided that the best way to cope with planet's problems is to kill everyone. This sets the stage for an epic musical journey in four parts, with the individuals discovering the problem (Chronicle 1: The Frame), leaving the world (Chronicle 2: The Aligning of the Ten), getting to the new world and getting injected with Liquid Eternity (Chronicle 3: The Transmigration), and the last one, which I won't spoil (Chronicle 4: The Rebirth)".


d. 29. Apr. 2017



Emil Hansen

d. 29. Apr. 2017

"Arjen Lucassen vender tilbage til science fiction-universet med sit nye, storstilede og højkonceptuelle dobbeltalbum 'The Source', der fortæller forhistorien til hele Ayreon-sagaen ... 'The Source' gør med andre ord det, som prequels både hyldes og kritiseres for: Den udbygger historien og giver et sus af genkendelighed, men desværre også en lidt for flad fornemmelse af gentagelse".