Music / rock

Transient lullaby

Reviews (3)

American songwriter

d. 18. May 2017



Hal Horowitz

d. 18. May 2017

"The closing "Anchor" with the hopeful "We'll be as good as gold, yeah we're gonna shine" provides a glimmer of hope that the Mastersons will weather whatever personal storms they have experienced to continue moving into a career that with Transient Lullaby seems to be gaining traction".


d. 15. May 2017



Steve Horowitz

d. 15. May 2017

"One can find many examples of parallels between this album and Young's '70s music. The Mastersons may not purposely be trying to recreate a Neil Young album, of course, but the many pleasures of Transient Lullaby suggest the two share much in common in wonderful ways. Now is the time to, ahem, reap the harvest. As the title of the album suggests, everything changes in this temporal world".


2017 November



Joe Tangari

2017 November

"Call it alt-country, Americana, cosmic American music or something else, but the music gets harder to pin down with each passing year as its many streams join and re-join in different configurations. One record that offers a nice distillation of all those streams is Transient Lullaby ... Chris Masterson and Eleanor Whitmore sing most of the album in close harmony, and Whitmore's fiddle provides an expressive third voice".