Film / nonfiction / operafilm

Tryllefløjten (Colon)


Mozarts opera er flyttet fra det tidsløse fantasiunivers til begivenheder under 1. verdenskrig. Tamino er såret i et voldsomt slag, men reddes nænsomt af en lille trio feltsygeplejersker. Samtidig er Papageno fuglevagt og holder øje med gasangreb i skyttegravene. Det varer ikke længe, før de to soldater bringes sammen i en vovet mission for at redde Pamina, der er blevet bortført af Sarastro.

Reviews (3)

The guardian

d. 2. Dec. 2007



Philip French

d. 2. Dec. 2007

"The music is still there, but the film is confused, pointless and an endurance test. The only conceit of any merit is putting Papageno the birdcatcher in charge of a gas-detecting canary".

The gramophone

2008 July



Mike Ashman

2008 July

"Tamino in the trenches ... The war link is a little hard to fathom ... Plenty to think about then, and Branagh gets good performances from his young, camerafriendly singers ... But the director weakens his dramatic thinking with cinematic cliché".

BBC music magazine

2008 June



Hilary Finch

2008 June

"Things are never quite real enogh, or fantastic enough. The medium of cinema could have been far more feistily exploited to create a true sense of quest. But Branagh inspires the young singers to keen, eager performances".

Vurdering (performance): 3/5.

Vurdering (presentation): 2/5.