Music / rock


Reviews (2)


d. 7. May 2014



Thor Penthin Grumløse

d. 7. May 2014

"Hvorfor d'herrer har valgt at tage tråden op fra deres mere end 10 år gamle band, skal her være usagt, men det er glædeligt at konstatere, at Owls virker præcis lige så veloplagte, som man husker dem fra debuten. Sangene er er spækket med finurlige krumspring og stor opfindsomhed, og det lykkes uden problemer bandet at skabe deres eget musikalske univers, hvor indierocken unægtelig iføres avantgardistiske klæder".


d. 25. Mar. 2014



Ian Cohen

d. 25. Mar. 2014

"Two practically demands listening along with the lyrics sheet; this is high-concept, cerebral stuff that's difficult to wrench any kind of visceral thrill from. Opener "Four Works of Art..." is an ingeniously crafted song both musically and lyrically, but it lays out "A way of understanding this historical period" by letting you consider the commonalities between a car filled with trash, Christopher Kubasik, David Petraeus, and a CCR tape-and yet it all rattles around your head in a way that's more unsettling than the prodding done by Owls' progeny. Even though Owls serve as a touchstone in 2014, there's still little that quite sounds like Two".