Music / folk

Upland stories

Reviews (2)





Mark Deming


"As spare and gently satisfying as a warm spring afternoon, Upland Stories is a reminder that the brilliance of Gone Away Backward was no fluke, and that in his mid-fifties, Robbie Fulks is only getting better, both as a songwriter and as a recording artist. Highly recommended".


2016 May



Chris Nickson

2016 May

"Twenty-some years ago, when people first started bandying around the term alt-country, Robbie Fulks was a young singer-songwriter who seemed to be at the vanguard of the moment. He was country without being country, very American, but blending tenderness and brutal honesty with heavy doses of humour. After a few years he seemed to fall off the radar - or perhaps he just found the level that suited him ... He never sat comfortably in any one box, and he doesn't here, not least in his choice of accompanists, who range from bluegrass and country veterans to musicians from traditional and avant-garde jazz. They color the music, but it's always Fulks who's front and centre in the songs, thanks to the production of Steve Albini ... The man is good, very good, in fact".

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