Music / rock

Say that now

Reviews (3)

No depression

d. 23. June 2016



Rachel Cholst

d. 23. June 2016

"Songs like "Promises to Break" tap into every good singer-songwriter's amused despair at their own dysfunction. On the other hand, "He's a Killer Now" is a now gruesomely prescient song about a mother's reaction to her son's massacre-suicide ... Say That Now is peppered with humor as well as pathos. Overall, it's a fun album but, as we can see, it has a lot to say".

Folk radio UK

d. 28. June 2016



Mike Davies

d. 28. June 2016

"This is her ninth album and, while she has built a solid following, I've said it before and I say it now, it's long overdue time the wider world woke up and took notice".

Roots zone

d. 29. June 2016



Per Dyrholm

d. 29. June 2016

"Albummets 10 numre bevæger sig i rummet mellem folkrock, country, americana og et stænk pop ... Ana Egge synger (...) med en dejlig afslappet, stille og rolig stemme sine fremragende tekster, som i de fleste tilfælde skal lyttes til. Både tekster og melodier er alle værd at lytte til ... Samarbejdet med Ana Egge lover absolut godt, og hun er et rigtig godt match med The Sentimentals".