Music / rock

Urban heat island

Reviews (2)

The guardian

d. 28. Feb. 2013



Rebecca Nicholson

d. 28. Feb. 2013

"At first, Night Works appears to be more fragile than his previous work - album opener Boys Born in Confident Times sets a folksy, verbose precedent that is less appealing than much of what comes after. In fact, Urban Heat Island grows in muscle and might as it goes along, with the sonic intricacies that make up a song like Armajaro somehow managing to sound cheap and expensive at the same time".

BBC music

d. 6. Mar. 2013



Chris Beanland

d. 6. Mar. 2013

"Urban Heat Island boasts tracks which are whimsical, bare and ideally suited to the soundtracking of a sand dunes picnic, like Boys Born in Confident Times - which gently opens proceedings ... Stebbing's little-boy-lost vocals might trouble some listeners, but you get used to them after a while"st-banging best".