Music / operaarier


Reviews (8)

Presto classical

d. 15. May 2020



Katherine Cooper

d. 15. May 2020

"Recording of the week: At 53, the Polish tenor is in his absolute prime: whereas others make a virtue of necessity and employ any signs of wear-and-tear to dramatic effect in this music, Beczała sounds in complete control of every interpretative gesture ... His attitude to this repertoire seems to be less motivated by the smell of the greasepaint and the roar of the crowd and more by the desire to portray these characters as real, complex people".

MusicWeb international

2020 June



Michael Cookson

2020 June

"With Vincerò!, Beczała is again broadening his scope by recording a collection of Italian verismo arias renowned for the depth of emotional conflicts which unfold in them ... In an album containing numerous heart-breaking arias, Piotr Beczała braves the challenge of the heavier verismo repertoire".


d. 10. June 2020



Thomas Michelsen

d. 10. June 2020

"Selv om Beczala kun har sunget meget få af de 12 operaer, han plukker fra på 'Vincerò!', i deres helhed på en scene, er det her en stærk appetitvækker fra en sanger, der (...) var vant til at synge på de største scener. Fra Wien til New York ... Det spanske orkester er vant til at akkompagnere store operanavne på album som dette, og de spiller med sikker, svulmende kontrol ... Måske er det ikke alle 12 operaer, Piotr Beczala skal synge på verdens store scener ... Men man ønsker ham held og lykke, når han selvsikkert synger »vincerò!« - »jeg vil sejre!«".

Fono Forum

2020 August



Johannes Schmitz

2020 August

"Er ist zweifellos einer der besten Tenöre der Gegenwart: Piotr Beczala vereint in herausragender Weise vokale Substanz, technische Souveränität und kluge Musikalität ... Nun ist er in schweren Verismo angekommen, seine Stimme noch nicht ganz ... Das spanische Orchester begleitet unter der Leitung von March Boemi nicht unsensibel, aber zu spannungsarm ... Beczala bleibt immer auf der sicheren Seite".

BBC music magazine

2020 September



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2020 September

"As a 'calling card' album the repertoire is exactly what you would expect with arias from Tosca to Adriana ... Naturally we end where all tenors have to end nowadays, with 'Nessun dorma'. This is a big voice with a warm Italianate tone and a fitting sense of the legato required for this repertoire. Verismo sobbing is kept to a minimum. Beczala knows exactly how to build the drama of an aria, as befits a pupil of Sena Jurinac ... If only Pentatone had found a better orchestra and a conductor with an instinct for this repertoire".


2020 juillet-août



Didier Van Moere

2020 juillet-août

The gramophone

2020 June



Mark Pullinger

2020 June

"Recording of the month - Editor's choice: Just listen to the luminous ring to Beczała's tenor in the open-hearted 'Recondita armonia' ... In an age when many singers are persuaded to take on heavier repertoire far too soon, it's refreshing to read of an artist armed with patience. And it's refreshing to hear a tenor tackle this repertoire with such apparent ease, for this is a simply wonderful disc ... Beczała never needs to force unduly, yet there's plenty of emotion to these readings ... A winner of an album, indeed".


2020, nr. 99



Carl-Henric Malmgren

2020, nr. 99

"Han har varit en självklarhet på de främsta operascenerna i två decennier. Ändå dröjde det innan soloskivan Vinceró dök upp. Den är långt ifrån hans första, men här får han visa att han går från klarhet till klarhet. Mognaden i rösten är njutbar, tolkningarna fängslar och tenorsmyckena radas upp ... Ett artistiskt föredöme som bara blir bättre med åren".