Music / rock


Reviews (2)





Matt Collar


"The Editors have always been good at evincing the sound of their idols, and 2018's grandiose, pop-infused Violence is no exception. The difference this time out is that rather than just digging deeper into a vintage '80s post-punk style a la Joy Division, here they've broadened the template, weaving in bits of early-2000s David Bowie ("Violence"), and Achtung Baby-era U2 ("Hallelujah [So Low]"). Of course, with swaggeringly moody vocalist Tom Smith at the helm, all of these tracks still sound like the Editors ... With Violence, the Editors have crafted a big pop album on their own terms, rife with grand, operatic gestures and heat-seeking hooks that cut deep, just as they put salve on your wounds".

The guardian

d. 9. Mar. 2018



Laura Snapes

d. 9. Mar. 2018

"Editors have never managed to escape the curse of comparisons that has plagued them since their 2005 debut earned them the nickname "Boy Division". After a mid-career foray into Coldplay-worthy platitudes, the five-piece lighten up on album six, embracing the imperious camp of Depeche Mode, with assistance from producers Leo Abrahams and Fuck Buttons' Benjamin John Power. With a bit more razzle-dazzle, Cold, Nothingness and Darkness at the Door could be genuine goth-pop bangers à la Chvrches - brawny, hooky and tinged with the feeling that was lacking on Editors' emotionally desolate earlier records".