Music / rock


Reviews (3)


d. 26. Mar. 2018



Rhian Daly

d. 26. Mar. 2018

"The Voidz and Julian might not be the most predictable band to pin down, but there are at least some things that we've come to expect from them: whatever they do will be interesting, unusual and thought-provoking. On 'Virtue', they've hit the jackpot with a bonus ball - fun".


d. 5. Apr. 2018



Stuart Berman

d. 5. Apr. 2018

"The second album from Julian Casablancas and his motley New York band is sludgy, psychedelic sesh that occasionally coheres into surprising moments of clarity and radiance".

The observer

d. 1. Apr. 2018



Phil Mongredien

d. 1. Apr. 2018

"As with the debut, Virtue is a wildly self-indulgent affair, genres jarringly cobbled together with little thought as to the consequences (is he trying to sound like Robbie Williams on All Wordz Are Made Up?). It isn't all terrible - Pink Ocean locks into an appealing groove; Think Before You Drink is tuneful enough, if an abomination lyrically. But even the biggest Strokes devotee will find precious little worth hearing here".