Music / rock

Wake up! : music album with his words and prayers

Reviews (4)





Neil Z. Yeung


"Wake Up! is an inspirational and positive plea to Catholics around the world. Using soothing and familiar music to soundtrack Francis' message, it will likely be popular with devout followers and younger members of the church. To a casual listener, it may not connect, but considering the Pope released an album with an electric guitar, he deserves credit for having some edge. Whether listeners are religious or not, these are messages that are universally comforting in dark times".


d. 3. Dec. 2015



Jia Tolentino

d. 3. Dec. 2015

""Pope Francis releases prog-rock album" could only be a better punchline if the genre was swapped out with "chillwave," and nonetheless, here we are. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the 78-year-old Argentine, is the 266th man to hold papal office; he is the first to directly condemn climate change and revive liberation theology and to have worked as a bouncer, and although past popes have released classical/liturgical compilations, Pope Francis is the first to go straight pop ... There is something beautiful about this album; it exists. Pope Francis, already a more human papal figure than any in recent history, is humanized even further by this album's total musical awkwardness, its bewildering genre, its pluralistic good heart".


d. 27. Nov. 2015



Kim Skotte

d. 27. Nov. 2015

"'Den tidligere slumbiskop pave Frans kalder til vækkelse. Og selv om hans debutalbum musikalsk ikke just afslører ham som en ny Bono, viser pladen, at Frans er den bedste pr-afdeling, Gud har haft i nyere tid".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 2. Dec. 2015



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 2. Dec. 2015

"En cd, hvor pave Frans spiller en hovedrolle. Teksterne på det ny album, Wake Up!, stammer nemlig stort set fra hans prædikener, bønner og taler ... Pavens stemme er varm og smidig, og det er svært at være uenig med ham i hans budskaber ... De smukke holdninger og inderlige bønner er sat i musik, der desværre ikke flugter med ordenes alvor. I lange stræk minder tonerne om den "feel-good music", der kommer strømmende ud fra usynlige højttalere i elevatorer på bedre internationale hoteller - en mellemting mellem kælen Hollywood-musik og blød tysk pop, der mere end tangerer begrebet muzak".