Music / rock

Wrote a song for everyone

Reviews (2)

Rolling stone

d. 23. May 2013



David Fricke

d. 23. May 2013

"Wrote a Song for Everyone is a testament to the continuing truth and power in Fogerty's greatest hits. For this album, he has recut a dozen classics, most from the Creedence era, in dynamic collaborations with an astute cast of younger stars and kindred voices ... Wrote a Song for Everyone does not replace anything Fogerty did the first time around. It affirms the living history in his greatest hits - that of a great nation still being born".

Gaffa [online]

d. 6. June 2013



Espen Strunk

d. 6. June 2013

"Der åbnes (...) overbevisende med en højpotent 'Fortunate Son' sammen med Foo Fighters, ligesom Lodi i et nyt og flabet shuffle sammen med sønnerne Shane og Tyler og langtidsholdbare 'Long As I Can See the Light' med My Morning Jacket fungerer fint. Og mindre end solid er helheden selvfølgelig heller aldrig".