Musik / verdensmusik - world music



Summary: This is Fatoumata Diawara's debut album. She uses elements of jazz, pop, and funk along with her ancestral Wassoulou tradition in her songwriting and arrangements, accompanying her voice with rhythmical guitar playing and her own percussion work.

Anmeldelser (4)


d. 22. sep. 2011



Joe Tangari

d. 22. sep. 2011

"Diawara locks in with the simmering funk backdrop of "Bissa" by playing harmonics on her guitar instead of full chords. The electric leads seem to float up out of the patterns; several times over the course of the album, I found myself caught up in a flowing solo that I didn't even notice when it started. This is how the whole record works. There's no fanfare, nothing is announced. It simply surrounds you with its atmosphere.It is an ultimately beguiling album because of this".

The guardian

d. 15. sep. 2011



Robin Denselow

d. 15. sep. 2011

"The mood is often light and laidback, but she demonstrates her soulful vocals on the bluesy Sonkolon or on a praise song to Oumou, and echoes Oumou's bravery in the passionate, no-nonsense Boloko, a plea to end female circumcision. It's an enjoyable, impressive set, but now she must show if she really has the originality of Mali's greatest female singers".


d. 25. juni 2019



Louise Rosengreen

d. 25. juni 2019

"Hendes sikre akustiske guitarspil er gennemgående på de 12 vestafrikanske viser. De har en afdæmpet vemodighed over sig, der piftes op af Diawaras dynamiske leadguitarsoloer ... Hendes vokal er sprød og støvet. Som kæmpede hendes stemmebånd med kastevinde, holder hun de lange, luftige toner over en svirpende percussion ... Tvangsægteskaber, traditionsbundne kønsroller og kvinders manglende magt over eget liv er nogle af de tematikker, Diawara adresserer på Fatou. Men det forstår man kun, hvis man taler det vestafrikanske sprog wassoulou ... Wassoulou er kernen i Diawaras sangskrivning, men hun supplerer de tradtionelle toner og rytmer med elementer fra jazz, reggae, funk og blues. Hendes indfølte sangteknik er funderet i hendes kultur".


2011 October



Ian Anderson

2011 October

"The very fact that World Circuit have signed a new artist is enough to pay attention ... This ex-Oumou Sangare backing singer/dancer has a sweetly soulful voice, an engaging personality, neat guitar skills and an attractive range of non-formulaic songs ... A debut to be very proud of".