Musik / blues

The blues is alive and well


Seneste udgave, Musik (cd)

1 cd + 1 bilag
Genre og form
blues, rock
Buddy Guy with Tom Hambridge, Rob McNelley, Kevin McKendree, Willie Weeks ... [et al.]


Summary: One of the greatest living legends in blues returns with a brand new album. Joining Buddy Guy are guests including Jeff Beck, Keith Richards, James Bay, and Mick Jagger.

Anmeldelser (4)


d. 19. juni 2018



Jared Skinner

d. 19. juni 2018

"With its crowded track list and extended runtime, this album does not necessarily come off as an essential album in Guy's oeuvre. However, there are some strong tracks in here, and it is worth a listen for any blues aficionado. And although the age of rock 'n' roll may have passed from the public eye, listening to this album certainly makes a strong case for the blues' continuing relevancy. The important fact is that Buddy Guy seems to believe that they are and as long as his band fires up a song and he rips into a solo with the warmth of cognac in his veins, I am inclined to believe him".





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"[The] excessive length means there's a lot of room for levity, too, including James Bay sitting in for a duet on "Blue No More," Mick Jagger's wailing harp on "You Did the Crime," and, best of all, a showdown with Keith Richards and Jeff Beck on "Cognac." Guy has some good moments on his own, of course - his guitar stings throughout and he can sell the house rocker "Guilty as Charged" with a vigor that belies his age - but the emphasis on ruminative tunes feels a bit heavy-handed. Maybe that's why the album ends with "Milking Muther for Ya," a minute-long dirty joke that punctuates the moody vibes of "End of the Line." Its very presence suggests that Buddy Guy would rather live it up while he still has a few good years left".

Blues blast magazine

d. 15. juni 2018



Mark Thompson

d. 15. juni 2018

"Throughout his career, Buddy Guy has been known for his guitar prowess. Often times his skill as a singer would slide by with little notice. On this release, he consistently reaches into the emotional depths, often with bone-chilling intensity, conveying hard-earned lessons on life and the people you meet along the way. Even the guests, for all of their combined star power, get regulated to the background by the sheer raw energy that Guy taps into on every track. This may not rise to the level of his classic recordings for Chess Records. But this is Buddy Guy doing his best to remind us what the blues is all about. Mission accomplished!".


Autumn 2018



Dave Peabody

Autumn 2018

"At only 82 years old, Buddy Guy is very alive and very well and in his hands, so is the blues!! Much of his new album is quite astonishing in the visceral energy he extrudes both vocally and with his phenomenal guitar playing. Solo after solo soars with stunning virtuosity while Buddy's singing has never been better ... Where does this man get his energy".

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