Musik / rock

1% juice

Anmeldelser (3)

Americana UK

d. 24. okt. 2020



David Jarman

d. 24. okt. 2020

"Wayne Graham, a musical partnership between brothers Kenny and Hayden Miles, badge themselves as an alt-country/Americana group, and this self-produced twelve-track album lives up to the billing, with a foot firmly in both camps ... The result is a fresh sound, with unexpected pleasures coming at you from all sides".

d. 27. feb. 2021




d. 27. feb. 2021

"Som skrevet, så er 1 %Juice et udpræget album og skal helst/bedst indtages som sådan. Til gengæld er man så sikret en varig musikalsk nydelse, der faktisk vokser stille og støt for hver gennemlytning. Det er udstedsamericana, når det er bedst, og jeg vil godt melde mig som fan".

No depression

d. 12. nov. 2020



Maeri Ferguson

d. 12. nov. 2020

"Named for their paternal and maternal grandfathers, Wayne Graham is a testament to what can blossom in a familial creative partnership, with their warm harmonies and swooning melodies. The Miles brothers don't shy away from the occasional up-tempo groove, as with the trippy instrumental title track and finger-pickers like "Slept Alone" and "Chifforobe." But 1% Juice thrives in its mellowest moments".