Musik / folk


Anmeldelser (3)


d. 6. mar. 2017



Lee Zimmerman

d. 6. mar. 2017

"Ultimately, while some might complain about the lack of original material offered in deference to so many concert inclusions, Fairport fans can cheer the fact that 50:50@50 is the band's best effort in at least two decades. Hopefully the next 50 will build from here".

The guardian

d. 9. mar. 2017



Robin Denselow

d. 9. mar. 2017

"Happy birthday (almost) to folk-rock pioneers Fairport Convention, who on 27 May will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their first public performance. But before that comes a new album, which is split equally between alternate studio and live recordings, and proves that the current lineup are great musicians with an impressively varied repertoire".


2017 May



Simon Jones

2017 May

"You have to hand it to them, these guys have made a lasting impact ... Their present to all who'd hear is (...) a collection, not a "Best of" (...), rather a pleasant selection which means something to them and those who care. Split between new studio offerings, subtle live delicacies and significant moments such as the appearance of one Robert Plant and Jacqui McShee ... Most of the studio craft comes from Chris Leslie, tellingly on "Our Bus Rolls On", which has replaced "Wal A While" in their current live set. It's a jaunty item, with the great line: "Time it goes and comes around 50 years and counting, here's to the Fairport family and all blown off that mountain", which is just about the whole of the folk rock movement! ... Buy this and come on in, the party's already started".