Musik / klassiske symfonier

8 symphonies

Anmeldelser (4)

Presto classical




"'I feel each of my symphonies is a whole continent in itself,' one of the greatest symphonists of our time, the Danish composer Per Nørgård (b. 1932) has said. His music stems from an insatiable urge to explore the phenomena of the world and the possibilities of music, and his eight symphonies stand as milestones over the course of six decades. This 4 CD box set contains spellbinding performances of his symphonies that harvested a bumper crop of critical superlatives on their initial release, providing a fascinating insight into the symphonic thinking of Nørgård, the composer of the famous 'infinity principle'".

MusicWeb international

2022 October



Gary Higginson

2022 October

"Recommended: Let me first say that most of Per Nørgård's symphonies have been recorded earlier, but I am not in a position to write comparative reviews for most of them, and it could be a little tedious anyway. I will discuss this box set of previously issued discs, brought out to celebrate the 90th birthday of Denmark's great elder musical statesman. The symphonies cover the period between 1955 and 2012. The composer is from the generation right after that of the incomparable Vagn Holmboe (1909-1996), whose use of musical metamorphosis can, in part, be also discovered in Nørgård's music ... Coming to terms with Per Nørgård over these past weeks has been a fascinating and challenging experience. These works cannot be overlooked. They are complete statements by a man who, for better or worse, stands as a highly significant figure in twenty-first century musical Denmark ... I know only too well how respected Nørgård is. But the potential listener may ask how much time and effort they are prepared to give to music not always ready to meet one half way ... The performances and recordings are exemplary, and several were recorded in the presence of the composer. It is impossible to know how they could be improved".

The gramophone

2022 December



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2022 December

"Per Nørgård, a highly gifted Dane ... whose prolific output (so far) includes eight symphonies that have been recently gathered together, superbly performed and recorded by Dacapo. The most remarkable aspects of Nørgård's style are lyricism and a sound world that ranges from bright, at times near inaudible chirruping to Fafner-like growls from the low brass. More important is the narrative strain that runs through Nørgård's work, the sort that might serve as a soundtrack to you wildest imaginings ... If you're into Sibelius and other great Nordic tone poets, you'll likely love Nørgård".


2022, nr. 66



Andrew Mellor

2022, nr. 66

"I anledning af hans 90-års fødselsdag udgiver Dacapo dette bokssæt med komponistens otte symfonier ... Hvis du endnu ikke er blevet fanget af Nørgårds symfonier, er dette den oplagte mulighed for fordybelse. Den mørke, turbulente Symfoni nr. 1 peger frem mod en ny æstetik, som bryder ud i Symfoni nr. 2 - komponistens mest rendyrkede version af sit eget algoritmiske system, uendelighedsrækken. Herfra åbner sig flere versioner i Nørgårds eksperimenter med fremdrift, det universelle og uendeligheden".