Musik / pop

Am I dreaming? 80 Brit girl sounds of the 60s

Anmeldelser (2)

Record collector

475 (2018 January)



Hannah Vettese

475 (2018 January)

"Fans of RPM's Dream Babes series brace yourself, because this a gorgeous 3CD set that nods to 1994's Volume One in its design and its title (Tiffany's Am I Dreaming?, included on the first release). This box takes in 80 glorious girl groovers, including five previously unreleased songs ... The amount of love and effort that's gone into the release is palpable - from the extensive sleevenotes in the and the packaging (the box set cover is a black-and-white photo of Maureen Starkey looking timelessly cool with kohl-smeared eyes and a knitted Playboy jumper), to the stellar tracklist. All in all it's an absolute delight".

d. 6. dec. 2017



Dave Thompson

d. 6. dec. 2017

"Now this is special. Not because the theme itself is anything unusual, but because the music itself is only one part of the project. The accompanying booklet itself is a jewel, as writer Ian Chapman unpicks the very history of Brit Girl collecting, recalling old articles, revisiting old books and replaying old compilations. Eight volumes of RPM's twenty-plus year old old Dream Babes collections are lovingly depicted, and though the accompanying track listings make you yearn for their immediate repackaging, this will keep you going until that happens".