Musik / operaarier

Anima rara

Anmeldelser (5)

MusicWeb international

2020 September



Michael Cookson

2020 September

"Recommended: Many admirers of Opera Rara will be familiar with the voice of Albanian-born soprano Ermonela Jaho ... A recipient of prestigious awards, she is noted for thrilling performances and the emotional involvement in her roles ... For this eagerly anticipated debut recital album Anima Rara (Rare soul), Jaho focuses on the Italian verismo style. She aims to honour the career of Venetian lyric soprano Rosina Storchio (1872-1945) ... Jaho is in passionate form. She sings every aria commendably ... As far as debut albums are concerned, Anima Rara is an exceptional achievement ... Her performances remain totally focused. She puts her heart and soul into every aria".

Presto classical

d. 25. sep. 2020



Katherine Cooper

d. 25. sep. 2020

"Recording of the week: 'Anima Rara' celebrates the legacy of a singer who significantly influenced operatic history - in this case the Italian lyric soprano Rosina Storchio (1876-1945) ... It all suits Jaho down to a T. As contemporary reviews, letters and the very few existing recordings of Storchio illustrate, there seems to be an almost uncanny affinity between the two singers in terms of both voice and artistic temperament. Storchio was very far removed from the powerhouse sopranos who've taken on some of these roles to great effect since the end of her short but astonishing career, and it's a real eye-opener to hear this music sung with such delicacy, freshness and introversion".

BBC music magazine

2020 November



Michael Church

2020 November

"Opera choice: This eagerly awaited recording will delight all fans of the charismatic Albanian soprano Ermonela Jaho ... In this recording as a debutant recitalist she reinforces her argument that the music championed by the Italian soprano Rosina Storchio is worth more searching exploration ... So this recording represents a triple coming-out: of Storchio, of Jaho as a solo recording artist and of some bewitching but largely forgotten music ... Jaho turns every aria into a commanding performance, with a fine-spun tone which ranges from being light and translucent to packing luxurious power".

The gramophone

2020 Awards



Mark Pullinger

2020 Awards

"Editor's choice: She has a slender tone, definitely more lyric than spinto, and is often so deeply invested in her role that it's not always a very 'pretty' sound. Yet it's exactly these qualities that are her strengths here ... Jaho invests each and every role with a sense of drama that translates across the speakers, even though there are no visuals ... An emotionally gripping album that should not be missed".


2020, nr. 100



Carl-Henric Malmgren

2020, nr. 100

"Rosina Storchio var förra sekesskiftets stora sopranstjärna i Italien. Hon var Puccinis förstaval som Cio-Cio San vid världspremiären av Butterfly ... Arior inspirerade av Storchio står i fokus på Ermonela Jahos debutskiva ... Orkesterspelet griper tag och trots breda linjer går Jaho aldrig över gränsen för sin förmåga. I de stora känslornas vokala utbrott finns en slankhet som gör artisteriet spännande. Det är bara att luta sig tillbaka och njuta av en ganska okänd repertoar".