Bøger / skønlitteratur / psykologisk thriller

Bird box (engelsk)


Thriller. Malorie raises the children the only way she can: indoors, with the doors locked, the curtains closed, and mattresses nailed over the windows.The children sleep in the bedroom across the hall, but soon she will have to wake them and blindfold them.Today they will risk everything. Today they will leave the house.

Anmeldelser (1)


d. 12. juni 2019



Pia Bechmann

d. 12. juni 2019

Årets mest uhyggelige bog er et nervepirrende post-apokalyptisk mareridt, hvor enhver overlevelse afhænger af, at øjnene intet ser. ’Bird Box’ blev for alvor kendt med Susanne Biers Netflix filmatise...