Musik / rock

Bitter truth

Anmeldelser (4)





Neil Z. Yeung


"Altogether, The Bitter Truth carries listeners on a journey both familiar and fresh, recapturing the heavy-yet-melodic hallmarks that made Fallen one of the most successful albums of the 2000s and pushing Evanescence into the future with a graceful maturity and worldly perspective".

Gaffa [online]

d. 29. mar. 2021



Sara Karlsson

d. 29. mar. 2021

"The Bitter Truth er Evanescences første nye materiale siden 2011. I mellemtiden har Amy Lee haft sin solokarriere og deltaget i andres projekter. Bandet blev dannet i 1995 og havde sin storhedstid i begyndelsen af 2000'erne ... Der er ingen større ændring i forhold til fortiden. Dette er bombastiske rocksange, mørke, men lidt klichéprægede. Amy Lees stemme er dog stadig forbløffende ... Samlet set lyder albummet mindre symfonisk end det, vi hørte på deres senere album før pausen. Dette er et hævnalbum, en søgen efter bandets oprindelse for at genvinde deres kreative frihed med genvundet selvtillid".


d. 25. mar. 2021



Nick Ruskell

d. 25. mar. 2021

"In a time where Evanescence's usual emotional touch could easily speak to feelings of isolation, fear, confusion, hopelessness, loss and fragility, The Bitter Truth gets on that frequency and interrupts it. It's not an album that lies and tells you everything is fine, but reminds that, even in the darkest points of life, things do and will get better. And in another 10 years if they haven't, Amy Lee will doubtless have a comforting, ambitious, emotionally articulate way to navigate that as well".

Consequence of sound

d. 25. mar. 2021



Colette Claire

d. 25. mar. 2021

"Vurdering: A-" - "The Bitter Truth is reminiscent of the band's older material but also entirely fresh. It does not feel like a band going through the motions. Lee told Heavy Consequence that time away and perspective on the band's career added to the "fire and passionate energy" on The Bitter Truth, and that sentiment is clearly evident throughout the album".