Musik / rock

Brand new good old days

Anmeldelser (3)

No depression

d. 5. maj 2021



Steven Ovadia

d. 5. maj 2021

"Leftover Salmon's Brand New Good Old Days isn't a sarcastic title. The album is fun and hopeful, with elements of bluegrass, country, rock, and jazz organically woven together, recalling classic Grateful Dead ... Brand New Good Old Days is a tight album. The band shows off their impressive instrumental chops, but tracks never sprawl. They get into and out of songs quickly, making it easy to appreciate the earnest vocals. The album, even with some darker topics, feels like a beautiful, sunny day. Where many bands wear their sadness like a medal, Leftover Salmon share their happiness like orange slices after a Little League game".

Glide Magazine

d. 3. maj 2021



Dave Goodwich

d. 3. maj 2021

"For over 30 years, Leftover Salmon has been at the helm of the burgeoning "jam grass" scene, leaving in their wake a legacy of legendary live shows and a genre-defying sound, with absolutely no signs of slowing down anytime soon. With their ninth studio album, Brand New Good Old Days, their first to be released on Nashville indie label Compass Records since Live in 2002, Leftover Salmon harkens back to their rootsy Americana origins with a remarkably accessible group of songs that seems to effortlessly harness their myriad musical influences".

Folk radio UK

d. 27. apr. 2021



Seuras Og

d. 27. apr. 2021

"There's a chance that you came to Leftover Salmon, and their album 'Brand New Good Old Days' via their much-touted cover of Soundgarden's 'Black Hole Sun', deconstructed from its psychedelic grunge original iteration, extinguishing all the angst, replacing almost with a vaudevillian soft shoe shuffle, albeit with an added banjo. As the rest of this delightful record reveals, this is no novelty band but a timeless breeze through the annals of cross-connecting American musical styles ... It may have taken me thirty years to catch up with this band, I certainly hope they have some more wind in their hair".