Musik / operetter


Anmeldelser (9)

MusicWeb international

2021 October



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2021 October

"What Marin Alsop offers us is a souvenir of an evening's concert presentation of the show. You might not always want to hear the spoken bits, of course, but I found that this LSO Live rendition was entertaining and coherent throughout ... The London Symphony Orchestra offers razor-sharp playing from start to finish and the contributions of the London Symphony Chorus are splendidly spirited throughout. Alsop has a fine supporting cast in which Marcus Farnsworth and Thomas Atkins particularly stand out ... I'm very glad to have this highly entertaining account of Candide to set beside the composer's own version".

Presto classical

d. 15. okt. 2021



James Longstaffe

d. 15. okt. 2021

"Recording of the week: It's fascinating to hear the different approach that Alsop takes in general. Gone is a lot of the madcap mayhem and manic energy of Bernstein's account, replaced by a more easy-going vibe that arguably gives the music more room to breathe ... Capalbo impresses in the title role ... For me, though, it is the ladies who steal the show: Jane Archibald as Cunegonde is deftly acrobatic in the vocal fireworks of "Glitter and Be Gay", while Anne Sofie von Otter gleefully hams it up as the single-buttocked Old Lady".


d. 7. aug. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 7. aug. 2006

Fono Forum

2006 März



Gerhard Persché

2006 März

"Nicht nur der Kenner schmunzelt und freut sich. David Stahl ... betätigt sich mit dem Deutschen Symphonie-Orchester Berlin zugleich als Pyrotechniker Bernsteinischer Energie und Ironie ... Dank Loriot, der eine weit feinere Klinge führt als die Verfasser der damaligen Zwischentexte, mag man dieser Einspielung des Werks gar den Vorzug geben".


2022, nr. 64



Henrik Engelbrecht

2022, nr. 64

"Bernsteins 'Candide' blev langt fra den succes, man havde håbet på, og den blev taget af plakaten efter kun 73 forestillinger ... London Symphony Orchestra spiller forudsigeligt overlegent, og sangerholdet er godt valgt helt ned til de små roller. Men alligevel letter indspilningen aldrig helt; Marin Alsop er Bernstein-protegé, og hun har helt tydeligt overtaget nogle af komponistens egne (ofte temmelig langsomme) tempi, og det klæder ikke ubetinget værket ... Selv om især sopran Jane Archibald med sin klokkeklare koloratursopran er perfekt som Cunegonde ... venter jeg stadig på den endegyldige cd-version af 'Candide'".

BBC music magazine

2021 Christmas



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2021 Christmas

"Effectively a semi-staged concert, the version on this recording was performed by the London Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican in December 2018 ... In the title role, Leonardo Capalbo offers charm, delicacy and a touch of melancholy. Jane Archibald makes an amiable Cunegonde, though her showpiece 'Glitter and be gay' doesn't sparkle enough. Anne Sofie von Otter has considerable fun with the Old Lady ... The LSO is on resilient form, but from the famous overture onwards Alsop's conducting is on the tame side".

International record review

2006 January



Peter J. Rabinowitz

2006 January

"Candide is one of Bernstein's best works ... though, it goes its own way, with a new connecting narration, written and performed by the German comedian Lorriot. The songs, fortunately, are sung in English ... What makes this recording stand out, though, is the punchy orchestral work, arguably the most vibrant this work has ever received ... if sound or orchestral contribution is a primary consideration, this is a plausible first choice".

The gramophone

2021 November



Edward Seckerson

2021 November

"Candide is not 'an operetta': it's a Broadway show masquerading as an operetta - therein lies its genius ... With the exception of Thomas Allen as Pangloss/Narrator, the dialogue is laboriously overegged in a succession of funny voices and dubious foreign accents making for jokes that don't so much land as crash-land ... So a non-starter, I'm afraid".


2021, nr. 63



Andrew Mellor

2021, nr. 63

"Alsop har altid haft et særligt forhold til Bernsteins musik, og her tager hun fat på hans mesterværk inden for operette, 'Candide' ... Værket er en hæsblæsende satire med skarpe tekster (bl.a. af Stephen Sondheim), geniale melodier og en 'bidsk' transatlantisk fortolkning af Voltaires oprindelig historie ... Holdet består bl.a. af Anne Sofie von Otter, Jane Archibald og Thomas Allen. 'Rytmerne smældede og knasede, farverne var klare, og energien svigtede ikke' skrev The Times".