
Cantatas and organ works, vol. 1

Anmeldelser (7)

Klassik heute

d. 16. mar. 2022



Rainer W. Janka

d. 16. mar. 2022

"Klassik Heute Empfehlung: Bei dieser Aufnahme stimmt alles: ein klug ausgewähltes Programm eines hervorragenden Barockkomponisten, stilsichere Interpreten, die mit viel Herz, aber auch wissenschaftlich fundiert agieren, und eine Aufnahmetechnik, die wirklichen Rundumraumklang bietet ... Von den zwölf Vokalkompositionen, die Bruhns in seinem kurzen Leben schuf, ist die Hälfte hier versammelt, alles ohne Ausnahme Meisterwerke ihrer Art. Das kleine Barockorchester spielt hinreissend temperamentvoll, dabei durchaus klangsinnlich, wobei die Theorbe der Continuo-Gruppe einen schönen Farbtupfer verleiht. Tadellos singen die drei Männerstimmen in klarem Deutsch ... Natürlich kennt man Nicolaus Bruhns - aber diese CD macht nochmal mehr Lust, in neu zu entdecken".

MusicWeb international

2022 May



Glyn Pursglove

2022 May

"Recording of the month: Bruhns died at the-same age - 31 - as Schubert. Unfortunately, he left us less music (only twelve vocal compositions and five organ works) than Schubert did. I say 'unfortunately' since what we do have shows him to have been a very fine composer ... Indeed, the performances right across this disc are absolutely top-class. The singers and the instrumentalists alike are deeply impressive ... This is, by any standards, an outstanding disc - in terms of the inspiring coherence of Masaaki Suzuki's vision of Nicolaus Bruhns' music, of the musical insight, of the recorded sound ... Any readers with a fondness for German baroque music owe it to themselves to hear this disc".

BBC music magazine

2022 July



Jeremy Pound

2022 July

"With the ever-meticulous Masaaki Suzuki at the helm as both director and organist, this is a superb introduction to the music of a little known Danish Baroque composer, much of it hauntingly beautiful".


2016 novembre



Jean-Luc Macia

2016 novembre

Fono Forum

2016 September



Reinmar Emans

2016 September

"Ein sehr erfreuliches Ergebnis eines Ausflugs in den Norden".

The gramophone

2022 April



Malcolm Riley

2022 April

"'Editor's choice: Although he was just 31 when he died ... his surviving legacy consists of a dozen vocal works, five organ pieces and an anecdotal reputation as a great violin virtuoso. That which has come down to us is of great importance ... His organ idiom - which owed a good deal to his teacher Buxtehude - has a distinctive freshness ... Masaaki Suzuki's unpretentious use of rubato makes the fantasia-like sections flow with a winsome charm ... The trio of male soloists are superb ... The final chorale concerto, Erstanden in der heiliger Christ, is a special delight ... With a total time of just over 86 minutes the physical disc is exceptionally well filled. Its bountifulness is matched by its high quality and excellent execution".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 12. jan. 2004


d. 12. jan. 2004