Musik / opera

Carmen (fransk)


Contains the complete text of the libretto with annotations in both English and French and a critical historical commentary. The text also includes the background of the composer, biographies of the principal singers and conductor. The two accompanying CDs contain the complete opera sung in French.

Anmeldelser (19)

Presto classical




"Pentatone re-releases Georges Bizet's opera Carmen ... In one of its reviews in September 1982, the New York Times declared, "a strong vote for Bernstein's much-debated 1973 recording of Bizet's Carmen, with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and the great Marilyn Horne in the title role. Bernstein's daringly slow tempos, though criticized by some, are revelatory. Ms. Horne's Habanera is all the more seductive for its reined-in pacing and sultry phrasing". Many claim that it is by far the best recording of Carmen. Leonard Bernstein's rendition is as sharp as Marilyn Horne and James McCracken's performances are stunning".


d. 17. mar. 2010



John Christiansen

d. 17. mar. 2010


d. 19. mar. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 19. mar. 2008

The Penguin guide to compact discs, cassettes and LPs




"An outstanding performance and recording in every way (3/3): Some of his [Bernstein] slow tempos will be questioned, but what really matters is the authentic tingle of dramatic tension which impregnates the whole entertainment ... Marilyn Horne ... gives the most fully satisying reading of the heroine's role, a great vivid characterization, warts and all. The rest of the cast similarly works to Bernstein's consistent overall plan. The singing is not overall perfect, but is always vigorous and colourful".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2009) 28. årgang nr. 1



Henrik Marcussen

(2009) 28. årgang nr. 1

BBC music magazine

2012 November



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2012 November

"Mezzo-soprano Magdalena Kozena is a lyric Carmen and there's much to enjoy in her performance, bu when Micaela the good girl is sexier than the bad girl, something is awfully wrong ... On the other hand, Jonas Kaufmann's Don José is the real thing ... the Berlin Philharmonic under Sir Simon Rattle is superb".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2013) 31. årgang nr. 4



Henrik Marcussen

(2013) 31. årgang nr. 4

"Holdet her, lige fra orkester, dirigent og alle førende sangere ... skaber en utvetydig atmosfære af fransk élan. Således en på mange måder mønstergyldig udgave, der ... stiller sig i førerposition blandt årtiers opbud af selv de prægtigste Carmen'er. En udfordring ... er imidlertid det kontroversielle valg af Magdalena Kozena som Carmen. Hendes smukke lyse mezzo er måske ikke den mest egnede for netop dette parti ... men ... Kozena har så meget andet ... Overfor hende har vi Jonas Kaufmann [Don José] ... Hans mørktfarvede, glamoursexede og mediterrant prægede tolkning ... Er man indstillet på en anden type Carmen end den gængse, er der intet at betænke sig på".

The gramophone

2012 September



David Patrick Stearns

2012 September

"Among the operas I'd most love to hear Simon Rattle conduct, Carmen isn't even on the list ... No, this is not some lofty conductor slumming with a greatest-hits opera ... The conductor here is happy to let Carmen be Carmen. The Berlin Philharmonic bring an intensified drama to the score ... Theatricality is everywhere here, in what is one of the best-played Carmen recordings on disc. None of the voices is ideal but they all have keen characterisation ideas ... Though this isn't the Carmen of my dreams, it ... may be one I'll live with over time".

Operabladet Ascolta

(1999) 17. årgang nr. 8


(1999) 17. årgang nr. 8

Operabladet Ascolta

(2004) 23. årgang nr. 1


(2004) 23. årgang nr. 1

Operabladet Ascolta

(2003) 21. årgang nr. 7


(2003) 21. årgang nr. 7

Berlingske tidende

d. 29. nov. 2000


d. 29. nov. 2000

Operabladet Ascolta

(2000) 19. årgang nr. 3


(2000) 19. årgang nr. 3

Informationer og udgaver