Musik / operafilm


Anmeldelser (10)

Presto classical

d. 19. juni 2020



Katherine Cooper

d. 19. juni 2020

"Recording of the week: Lindsey's dusky mezzo is the perfect foil to de Niese's brighter sound, particularly crucial in the glorious love-duets ... The other knock-out performance comes from Armenian soprano Nina Minasyan, whose ravishingly sung, unusually sassy Fairy Godmother all but steals the show ... In the pit, John Wilson works miracles too, keeping a score which can easily seem stodgy and overblown light on its feet without ever short-changing or apologising for the music's heart-on-sleeve sentimentality".

MusicWeb international

2020 September



Mike Parr (musikanmelder)

2020 September

"This DVD presents a staging by the renowned director/actress Fiona Shaw, whose work I have long been impressed with. Unfortunately for Cendrillon Ms Shaw misses the mark in an extremely disappointing production ... Among the cast Danielle de Niese is a winning Cendrillon. Her enchanting stage presence is the emotional core of this performance ... The other standout on this DVD is the glamorous portrayal of the Fairy Godmother by Nina Minasyan. Her voice gleams like fine crystal as she executes the diaphanous music Massenet wrote for this role ... John Wilson seems to have found a nice approach to this multi-faceted score; his direction of the orchestra and chorus is a distinct pleasure. If he were to concentrate more of his time in the field of French music he could well become the go-to conductor for the French repertoire for the future".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2012) 31. årgang nr. 3



Henrik Marcussen

(2012) 31. årgang nr. 3

"Det vellykkede resultat skyldes flere forhold - ikke mindst Laurent Pellys fiffige og meget franske opsætning, i hvilken han tryller med kulisser, udformet som bogens sider med det nedskrevne eventyr, så man hele tiden er bevidst om, at vi er i eventyrets verden; dertil kommer de fantastiske kostumer ... Joyce DiDonata besidder alle de stemmemæssige ressourcer, hendes parti kræver ... Dertil kommer hendes sødme, charme og udstråling ... Også Bertrand de Billy har en fin aften ... Gå trygt til Cendrillon og nyd den elegante underholdning, den raffinerede musik og ikke mindst de underskønne, fabelagtige kvindestemmer".


2012, nr. 26



Mikael Garnæs

2012, nr. 26

"Iscenesættelsen ved Laurent Pelly fanger fint stemningen af eventyr, hvor kulisserne består af sider fra bogen ... Det er en opera, der svælger i kvindestemmer ... hvor Joyce DiDonatos og Alice Cootes smukke, cremede stemmer ind imellem bliver svære at skelne fra hinanden ... Hver for sig er de også velforsynede med soloscener ... Bertrand de Billy får et fint og nuanceret spil frem i den kammermusikalsk prægede orkestersats ... Denne glimrende sungne og spillede version fra Covent Garden anbefales".

BBC music magazine

2012 August



David Nice

2012 August

"With a stage framed by the old-fashioned text of Perrault's original Cinderella story, Laurent Pelly's production has a style all of its own ... from Baroque pastiche to Wagnerian passion - in this underrated if overextended charmer of an opera ... Joyce DiDonato is winning in Cinderella's smiles and tears, though vocally a little edgy. But she's well-ballasted by another mezzo-soprano in the trousers role, Alice Coote, who is intens and indancescent: the star performance".

International record review

2012 July/August



Mark Pullinger

2012 July/August

"Laurent Pelly's production balances charm with caricature ... This exaggeration threatens to overpower the fairy tale ... Massenet's score is full of charm ... Casting is strong ... Joyce DiDonato in a performance teeming with star quality ... Alice Coote convincing ... Bertrand de Billy leads a highly sympathetic reading of the score".

The gramophone

2012 September



Richard Fairman

2012 September

"As there is no wholly recommendable recording of Cendrillon on CD, a new DVD release is welcome ... Insofar as there is any weakness here, it lies with Laurent Pelly's production ... The sets consist of the open pages of a giant book and disappointingly little else ... Happy, the cast is a strong one. Joyce DiDonato brings star quality to the title-role, touching the heart ... As the prince we have Alice Coote in simply stunning form, pouring out a stream of molten mezzo ardour ... Bertrand de Billy's sparkling style makes him an ideal conductor for Massenet and he obtains first-rate orchestral playing".


2012 juin



Emmanuel Dupuy

2012 juin

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or" - "Cette Cendrillon a fait aussi les beaux soirs de Covent Garden où elle a été filmée".

Fono Forum

2021 April



Manuel Brug

2021 April

"Bereit für ein wenig Psychoanalyse? In Fiona Shaws Glyndebourne-Produktion [von Cendrillon]... gibt es genug Hinweise auf Träume, um Siegmund Freud schlaflose Nächte zu bereiten. Doch das auf die Couch gelegte urbane Märchen-Update erfüllt trotzdem jede Menge Musikwünsche ... Die lyrisch fein und charmant singende Danielle de Niese pellt sich aus einer Art Leichensack, um in grosser Robe zum Prinzenfest zu schreiten ... Der hier von einem Mezzo, der wunderbaren Kate Lindsey, gesungene Prinz ist nicht nur ein ebenfalls noch unreifer Jüngling, er taucht bereits früher als Dienstmädchen auf ... Zumal auch John Wilson mit dem London Philharmonic Orchestra für samtig glitzernde, irreal funkelnde Klänge sorgt. Ein kostbar rarer Operndiamant wird hier zum Strahlen gebracht".


2020, nr. 58


2020, nr. 58

"Jules Massenets operaversion af Askepot-historien ... er et sanseligt Belle Époque-eventyr. Operaen forkastes ofte som sukkersød, men den indeholder faktisk langt mere - wagneriske undertoner, en forførende orkestrering, masser af magi og ikke mindst humor. I Fiona Shaws opsætning er operaen en surrealistisk fantasi, der finder sted i titelpartiets hoved - her spillet af ... Danielle de Niese. Ifølge anmelderne var det Agnes Zwierko, i partiet som Madame de la Haltière, der stjal showet ... da operaen blev opført på Glyndebourne Festivalen sidste sommer".