NMEd. 17. feb. 2021afafKyann-Sian Williamsd. 17. feb. 2021"It's a rare achievement to make an album as thoughtful and transparent as this; you need real lyrical talent to do so. Therefore (...) 'Conflict Of Interest' could sit on the same shelf as Dave's 'Psychodrama' as an album that depicts honest tales of London through the art of true lyricism, a tradition that will never die out".Læs anmeldelse
The guardiand. 11. feb. 2021afafAlex Petridisd. 11. feb. 2021"Conflict of Interest feels like the work of an artist who's in it for the long haul rather than short-term rewards".Læs anmeldelse
The observerd. 21. feb. 2021afafKitty Empired. 21. feb. 2021"Justin Clarke's years in the shadows of his better-rewarded peers have ended with this terrific major-label debut, as he moves his story - and the genre - forwards. Conflict of Interest, his third studio release, has both cinematic scope and tear-jerking moments".Læs anmeldelse