Musik / rock

Constant image

Anmeldelser (3)





Bekki Bemrose


"Overall, Flasher have crafted a strong musical identity over the record's ten tracks, with their tight, lean sound bolstered by splashes of synths and the vocals divvied up democratically throughout. The legendary Dischord has ruled D.C.'s musical legacy for decades, but now a new generation carries punk in its many forms and guises into the future free of the genre's sometimes constrictive attitude. Constant Image begins and ends, rather fittingly, in a flash, but leaves a lasting impression in large part due to their unfaltering self-possession. Flasher appear to have arrived fully formed, with a deeply satisfying debut that's both coherent and imaginative".


d. 8. juni 2018



Paul Carr

d. 8. juni 2018

"Flasher play hook-filled rock songs, influenced by everything from post-punk to new wave via shoegaze and indie dream pop on new album, Constant Image".


d. 12. juni 2018



Ian Cohen

d. 12. juni 2018

"As D.C. punks with ties to Priests, Fugazi, and Comet Ping Pong, Flasher are expected to have something to say about politics in 2018-but their debut album would have felt just as timely 30 years ago ... People who share the band's demographic profile and financial straits like to joke about what's "tired" and what's "wired," what's "woke" and what's "broke." Constant Image recognizes that they are all of the above-and have been for quite a while".