Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (3)


d. 7. feb. 2018



Sasha Geffen

d. 7. feb. 2018

"On his fourth album as the Soft Moon, post-punk auteur Luis Vasquez finally breaks from a whisper into a scream".


d. 30. jan. 2018



Matt Yuyitung

d. 30. jan. 2018

"Luis Vasquez's world of post-punk is a cold and distant one. His past work has conveyed a sense of isolation, where he stood alone, hiding in the shadows. His latest record amplifies these elements - there's still an element of detachment between Vasquez and the listener, but it hits harder and with more power ... Since his 2010 debut, Vasquez has slowly but surely built up the Soft Moon from its beginnings as a venue for his goth-y post-punk experiments to the distinct creation it is now. Most of the risks he takes on Criminal pay off, and the record is among his most confident statements as an artist".


d. 16. feb. 2018



Sophia Handler

d. 16. feb. 2018

"Hele albummet må siges at dyrke dette selvhad. Criminal er en hvirvelvind af besættelse og indebrændt desperation, der hvirvler nådesløst gennem det dystopiske klangfelt, som The Soft Moon skaber så overbevisende.Men med sine krautrockinspirerede guitarriffs og sine forvrængede synthesizere reflekterer numrene også et nyt, mere ømt punkt hos musikeren - nemlig den usynlige tornado, der har hærget i Luis Vasquez' liv".