Musik / pop

Dancing with the devil - the art of starting over

Anmeldelser (3)

Gaffa [online]

d. 8. apr. 2021



Johanne Nedergaard

d. 8. apr. 2021

"'Dancing With The Devil', der med bløde synths, trommemaskine og stærke vokalløb fra Lovato viser, at hun stadig har popstjerne-faktor ... Men jeg må desværre erkende, at hendes egne refleksioner over perioden og livet generelt på det nye album Dancing With The Devil... The Art of Starting Over simpelthen er for tynde ... Hæmskoen for Lovato er, at hun dvæler meget ved nogle halvkedelige og opbrugte problemstillinger, som for det meste eksekveres i form af ballade- og klaver-prægede skæringer, som lytteren kommer til at kede sig ved (...) selvom Lovato giver det et bravt forsøg vokalmæssigt, lyder den som så meget andet, man har hørt før. Det er desværre et generelt problem på størstedelen af albummet".


d. 7. apr. 2021



Quinn Moreland

d. 7. apr. 2021

"Dancing With the Devil asks you to trust that what Demi Lovato went through is enough. The music will undoubtedly reach listeners who struggle with their own burdens and look to Lovato as a role model, just as they have since she was that teenager on the red carpet, forced to justify the depths of her lived experience ... But the diaristic nature of the music, and the blunt force with which it is delivered, showcases Demi Lovato the person and sidelines Demi Lovato the artist. It is an unenviable position: to have a story so harrowing that the emotional catharsis we feel in real life overshadows what she wanted to create on the album".


d. 8. apr. 2021



Robin Murray

d. 8. apr. 2021

"Set to accompany a full documentary into her life, 'Dancing With The Devil - The Art Of Starting Over' is Demi Lovato in widescreen. Ideas are spewed out, the mistakes left in place - learning to trust yourself means you have to love your mistakes, after all. Is it too long? Does 'Mad World' fit the over-arching structure of the record? Fans can debate these things, but those responses are limited ways of observing Demi's art. Ultimately, it's her truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth".