Musik / solosang

Danske sange

Anmeldelser (5)

MusicWeb international

2022 November



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2022 November

"One composer here is one of the great ones: Carl Nielsen ... But while Nielsen in his instrumental works was a relative modernist - more so than Sibelius - his songs were mild and folk song influenced. There are four of them here ... Readers with an interest in historical recordings may have heard them with the incomparable Aksel Schiǿtz. Tonny Landy is however not far behind his legendary compatriot; he has much of the same stylishness, warmth and elegance ... Tonny Landy, who had an uncommonly long career - also internationally - was at the height of his powers in the late sixties and early seventies ... These recordings, for RCA, were made during that period, and he is a safe guide to these melodious gems. On some of the tracks he is accompanied by guitar, which lends a lighter tone to the readings. I derived a lot of pleasure from the disc, and I am sure others will do so too. Undemanding but agreeable songs, sung with taste and warmth".

Presto classical




"As he turns 85 years old, Danish tenor Tonny Landy is still among the finest singers of his generation. This release features immaculate performances of Danish songs which Tonny Landy recorded for the Danish branch of RCA between 1966 and 1969. This is the first CD release of these truly unique and much sought-after recordings. Tonny Landy selected 25 beautiful Danish songs and with his brilliant tenor voice he is on the level of the great Aksel Schiøtz. All the songs in this new release features a short English synopsis. All First CD Releases!".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 22. aug. 2022



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 22. aug. 2022

"I anledning af sin 85-års fødselsdag har den danske tenor Tonny Landy ... [udgivet] en ny cd [med] hele 25 skæringer, heriblandt en række af de mest skattede numre fra Højskolesangbogen. Jeg nævner i flæng: "Min pige er så lys som rav", "Den milde dag er lys og lang", "I skovens dybe stille ro", "Det er hvidt derude" og "Hvor Nilen vander ægypterens jord". Optagelserne stammer fra slutningen af 1960' erne, og den tid kan man vist roligt betegne som Tonny Landys glansperiode".

Fono Forum

2023 Februar



Michael Kube

2023 Februar

"In deutschsprachigen Breitengraden dürfte der dänisch Tenor Tonny Landy wohl nur bei wirklichen Stimm-Experten bekannt sein ... In der zweiten Hälfte der 1960er Jahre nahm er zahlreiche Lieder auf - in der Mehrzahl Kompositionen von Niels W. Gade, J.P.E. Hartmann und Peter Heise. Alles erste Wahl und mit wundervoll warmer und schlichter Empathie gesungen".

The gramophone

2022 December



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2022 December

"At a first glance Danacord's collection 'Tonny Landy: Danish Songs' looks a fairly populist affait but put the CD into your player and you'll encounter a voice that in many key respects is a dead ringer for the great Aksel Schiøtz, the tone, timbre and vibrato similarly light and seductive, the style of singing, phrasing especially, warmly expressive, the gentle manner of portamento equally distinctive. I'd call it a calming bolthole in any storm, variously but always competently accompanied ... It's a delightful disc".