Musik / kammermusik

Death and the maiden : string quartets nos. 4 & 12 Quartettsatz

Anmeldelser (39)

The observer

d. 20. nov. 2016



Fiona Maddocks

d. 20. nov. 2016

"From the opening chord, firm, precise, pliant, this quartet knows its collective mind when it comes to Schubert's much loved "Death and the Maiden" ... They avoid exaggerating the Viennese lilt, keeping all light, muscular and buoyant".





Blair Sanderson


"The Jerusalem Quartet has established a fine reputation for insightful interpretations and incisive playing, and its polished recordings for Harmonia Mundi are well worth investigating for their acute and passionate performances. This compelling recording of Franz Schubert's String Quartet No. 14 in D minor, "Death and the Maiden," D. 810, and the String Quartet No. 12 in C minor, "Quartettsatz," D. 703, is utterly exciting from start to finish, not just for the powerful suspense that the ensemble builds, or only for the intense energy it brings to these brooding Romantic works, but also for the foreboding mystery and haunted feeling with which it imbues this dark, death-obsessed music".

The guardian

d. 27. okt. 2016



Erica Jeal

d. 27. okt. 2016

"The Schubert gets an energetic, edgy performance from the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, sometimes nervy, occasionally playful ... The whole makes for thought-provoking, refreshing listening - and what impresses most, as ever, is the sheer aliveness of Kopatchinskaja's music-making".

Kulturradio RBB

d. 29. jan. 2019



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

d. 29. jan. 2019

"Das in London ansässige, 2005 gegründete "Chiaroscuro Quartet" mit der prominenten Alina Ibragimova an der 1. Geige gehört zu den ganz wenigen Formationen seiner Art, die nicht nur auf historischen Instrumenten und mit alten Bögen, sondern tatsächlich auch auf Darmsaiten spielen ... Wir verlassen die idealistische Welt klassischer (oder utopischer) Ausgeglichenheit. Und entern ambivalente Bildwelten von suggestiver Kraft und Disparatheit. Alles bleibt volksliedhaft schlicht und erdig (statt unversalistisch vorwärtsdrängend). Lyrisch gedrungen und konkret. Erstaunlich! ... Herzlich willkommen!".

The observer

d. 28. nov. 2020



Fiona Maddocks

d. 28. nov. 2020

"The Arod Quartet's ... daring, almost hair-raising playing on their latest disc: Schubert's Death and the Maiden ... The opening chords of the title quartet, played fiercely and with very little vibrato, are detonated with raw energy ... The final Presto gallops to its febrile conclusion: if you've ever felt jaded by this famous work, the Arod's performance will shatter your preconceptions".

d. 30. apr. 2020



Marcus Stäbler

d. 30. apr. 2020

"Sie sind jung, wild und ein bisschen verrückt: Mit solchen Attributen werden die Auftritte des vision string quartet gern angekündigt ... Auf seinem Debüt-Album spielt das vision string quartet Streichquartette von Felix Mendelssohn und Franz Schubert ... Ein scharfkantiger Beginn, wie mit dem Rasiermesser geschnitten. Aber dann ein plötzlicher Stimmungswechsel, eine Geste der Zärtlichkeit, ganz behutsam in die Saiten gestreichelt. Gleich in den ersten Takten von Schuberts Streichquartett "Der Tod und das Mädchen" offenbart das vision string quartet seine Lust am Kontrast ... Diese packende Mischung aus Ausdruck, Präzision und Leidenschaft prägt auch das zweite Werk der CD: das f-Moll-Quartett von Felix Mendelssohn. Ein Stück, in dem der Schock des Komponisten über den plötzlichen Tod seiner Schwester Fanny Hensel nachbebt ... Das Scherzo hat nichts Elfenhaftes, sondern verbeisst sich in einen Ton des Zorns und der Verzweiflung, vom vision string quartet eindringlich gespielt".


d. 3. aug. 2012



Jens Povlsen

d. 3. aug. 2012

"Spillet er uden distance, og kvartettens få omsvøb klæder værkerne, der læner sig ind over Beethovens, men samtidig peger mod nye, moderne tider. Især Artemis' delikate niveauskift får én til at slå ørerne ud og til at glædes over Schuberts magnetiske udtrykskraft".

BBC music magazine

2006 October



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2006 October

"Schubert's two most accesible quartets receive interpertations on this disc which are as near ideal as one is ever likely to hear".


2007, nr. 4



Esben Tange (f. 1962)

2007, nr. 4

Fono Forum

2014 März



Michael Kube

2014 März

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Ein ... wirklich brillantes und äusserst geschickt gemachtes Erlkönig-Arrangement für Violine und Viola ... Faszinierend ist dabei, wie es Bashmet gelingt, mit geradzu kammermusikalisch anmutender Intimität seine Viola zum Singen und Sprechen bringen ... Musikalisch allerdings ist die Produktion ... über jeden Zweigel erhaben, auch weil Bashmet und seine agilen Moskauer Solisten deutlich machen, was mit dieser erweiterten Besetzung ... gewonnen ist".

Fono Forum

2012 August



Christoph Vratz

2012 August

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Höhepunkt under vielen: das Scherzo von "Der Tod und das Mädchen!".


2012 septembre



Jean-Michel Molkhou

2012 septembre

"Exigence, puissance et cohésion au plus haut degré - quelques mesures suffisent pour identifier le jeu des Artemis ... Avec une autorité et un souffle que seuls les plus grands peuvent soutenir".

BBC music magazine

2012 September



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2012 September

"The Artemis enjoy growling, clashing, shivering, and the relentless energy of the last movements [Rosamunde] ... There is an impressive, vividly recorded approach".

BBC music magazine

2017 February



Helen Wallace (musikanmelder)

2017 February

"The Ehnes Quartet favour rhythmic buoyancy, athletic grace and crisp, clear lines for Schubert's Death and the Maiden Quartet. Speeds are lithe, but not especially fast, and while it may be clean it's not hygienic - there's plenty of colour and variety of attack ... This performance compels".


2017 fevrier



Nicolaus Derny

2017 fevrier

BBC music magazine

2008 June



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2008 June

"Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "The youthful Jerusalem Quartet has been gaining plaudits and awards already, and now they are to be heard on an outstanding disc which shows their calibre in music which is far more demanding, certainly emotionally and spiritually, than any they have set on disc previously ... this disc is as near to perfection as one ca possibly find".

BBC music magazine

2021 January



David Nice

2021 January

"Quivering humanity has to be at the core of any Schubert interpretation, and it's above all the Arod's first violinist Jordan Victoria who finds it, stilling the restlessness in the way he leads in to the Death and the Maiden Quartet's lyrical countersubject ... As in his earlier piano sonatas, Schubert always had a strong personality - and so do these players".

Fono Forum

2021 März



Michael Kube

2021 März

"Das Quatuor Arod spielt über die Stille eher hinweg, statt in sie hineinzuhorchen. Es ist wie bei einer guten Traubenernte: Erst die Zeit macht einen edlen Wein daraus".

BBC music magazine

2013 Christmas



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2013 Christmas

"The Pavel Haas Quartet, with the superb extra cellist Danjulo Ishizaka, even succeed where most other ensembles fail, making the last movement of the String Quintet into something that seems a fitting conclusion to a work whose first three movements are unquestionably supreme ... Essential listening for anyone who loves Schubert".

Fono Forum

2014 Januar



Marcus Stäbler

2014 Januar

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Das Pavel-Haas-Quartett interpretiert Schuberts 'Der Tod und das Mädchen' als existenzielle, von Verzweiflungstönen durchsetzte Ausdrucksmusik eines 27-Jährigen, der schon viel zu früh das Ende seines eigenen Lebens kommen sieht".

BBC music magazine

2017 February



Helen Wallace (musikanmelder)

2017 February

"Orchestral choice: This must have been an enthralling concert. It's almost impossible to imagine Schubert's Death and the Maiden in a string orchestral arrangement better played, with Kopatchinskaja a dynamic leader of a group of vertiginous brilliance. But this isn't just the quartet: in a 'collaborative exploration', movements are interleaved with pieces from Byzantine Chant to Kurtág via Dowland".

Fono Forum

2019 Februar



Gerald Felber

2019 Februar

"Den Beginn des titelgebenden langsamen Satzes mit seinem Liedzitat bringt das Chiaroscuro Quartett starr und unpersönlich zeremoniös, fast stimmlos wie einen aus dem Nebel auftauchenden Kondukt ... Doch auch die forsche, freudlose Mechanik im Scherzo des als Seitenstück eingespielten g-Moll-Quartetts D 173 und dessen gehetzt sich abarbeitendes, von hölzernem Raspeln und Rascheln durchsetztes Finale lassen sich damit hervorragend ausformen".


2019 avril



Patrick Szersnovicz

2019 avril

BBC music magazine

2018 Christmas



Jan Smaczny

2018 Christmas

"The Chiaroscuro Quartet are particularly good at capturing the more forward-looking moments ... Their use of gut strings and a historically-informed approach produces focused tone throughout; the playing might seem hard-edged at times, but their rhythmic poise is a constant delight and they are always responsive to the interplay between individual lines ... This is a richly compelling account".

Fono Forum

2020 August



Susanne Benda

2020 August

"CDs des Monats: Zwar verweist der Titel "Memento" auf den dunklen Hintergrund der eingespielten Werke, aber die vier Berliner werfen sich mit höchster Vitalität und (wirklich!) hörbarer Körperspannung hinein ... In Felix Mendelssohns wohl ausdrucksintensivstem Werk, das im Gedenken an seine just verstorbene, geliebte Schwester Fanny entstand, fühlt sich das vision string quartet spürbar zu Hause ... Die Berliner halten den Bogen straff, sie lassen nicht nach. Eine exzellente Visitenkarte".

The gramophone

2006 awards



Harriet Smith

2006 awards

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "The Takács have the ability to make you believe that there's no other possible way the music should go, and the strength to overturn preconceptions that comes only with the greatest performers ... The recording captures the quartets vividly and realistically".


d. 26. jan. 1999


d. 26. jan. 1999


d. 29. feb. 2000


d. 29. feb. 2000

Berlingske tidende

d. 1. mar. 2000


d. 1. mar. 2000


d. 24. okt. 1999


d. 24. okt. 1999

Berlingske tidende

d. 31. jan. 2001


d. 31. jan. 2001

International record review

2012 September



John Warrack

2012 September

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "The two-disc set by the Artemis Quartet, excellently and vividly recorded, of the three final masterpieces is much more something for the collection, above all when the performances are of such intelligence and insight ... A deeply thoughtful cycle of these marvellous works".

The gramophone

2012 September



Nalen Anthoni

2012 September

"Go straight to D810, Death and the Maiden. The two opening fortissimo motifs are like clarion calls. The Artemis Quartet are tersely explosive, fiery in attack, the sforzandos in the transition stabbing the air ... The Artemis enlarge perceptions, push frontiers and perhaps question received wisdom".

The gramophone

2017 January



Charlotte Gardner

2017 January

"Editor's choice: It [Schubert] is anguished, yes, but in place of rough-edged abandon we get a razor-sharp, perfectly blended precision that verily slices through the air ... The Ehnes Quartet's Sibelius tells a similar story of deep soul painted with a panoply of colours, dynamics and emotion, with a natural dramatic flow throughout ... Wonderful".

The gramophone

2008 July



Nalen Anthoni

2008 July

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "The Jerusalem find all the drama".

The gramophone

2020 December



Richard Wigmore

2020 December

"Their ride to the abyss [in Death and the Maiden] is surely the fastest on disc. Yet this is no mere technical stunt. Imaginatively coloured, uncommonly wide in dynamic range, the Arod's playing combines clarity of detail with a thrilling, desperate abandon ... The Arod always compel with their questing imagination, both in the two masterpieces and in the C major Quartet, tossed off by the teenage Schubert in five days flat".

The gramophone

2013 October



Harriet Smith

2013 October

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "This is good. Very good ... They [Pavel Haas Quartet] represent the best qualities of the Czech tradition - warmth, sonorousness, individuality, intensity; but what's striking here is their fearless risk-taking, their fervency and the absolute confidence with which they propel you through these two masterpieces".

The gramophone

2018 November



Richard Wigmore

2018 November

"Editor's choice: With their 'period' sound world (gut strings, Classical bows, sharp articulation) allied to hungry tempos and phrasing that vaults across the bar line, Schubert's darkest quartet seems more than ever a study in the inexorable power of rhythm ... Their unvarnished sonorities (vibrato minimal or non-existent) make Schubert's harmonic clashes all the more excruciating ... It is also, properly, a drama of uncomfortable extremes".


2019, nr. 87



Erik Wallrup

2019, nr. 87

"Chiaroscuro-kvartetten ... står for några av de mest spännande nytolkningarna av Haydn, Mozart och Beethoven på senare år ... Med intryck från historiskt informerad uppförandepraxis har de vitaliserat kvartettrepertoaren i dess kärna. På den nya skivan har de återkommit till Schubert, som ... blir just så dramatisk och kraftfull som man kunde föreställa sig. Precision i detaljerna kan tyckas som en svag utgångspunkt för dramatik, men det är genom att bygga underifrån, detalj för detalj, som helheten blir så kraftfull".

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