Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (3)


d. 2. apr. 2022



Dom Lawson

d. 2. apr. 2022

"Diabolical is still monstrously heavy and sonically up to date, but from its knowingly goofy artwork to the haunting grandeur of overture Under The Spell, this is an album with the spirit of the 80s coursing through its veins ... Forty years into his mission, Schmier still sounds like he wants to smash everything and drink the bar dry. Here is the soundtrack. Have at it".


d. 8. apr. 2022



Kent Kirkegaard Jensen

d. 8. apr. 2022

"Destruction fejrer 40-års jubilæum med deres 15. studiealbum, der viser, at de sagtens stadig kan spille thrash, men det mangler altså noget bid".

Sonic Perspectives

d. 7. apr. 2022



Jonathan Smith (musikanmelder)

d. 7. apr. 2022

"Turning the clock back in the some ways while staying very much current in others, Teutonic thrash legends Destruction arise from the aftermath of the worldwide pandemic with a gargantuan assault of old school mayhem with a modern sound and set of topics to mark their studio entry into the 2020s".