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Musik / rock
Musik (cd), ℗2022
d. 2. okt. 2022
Damien Morris
d. 2. okt. 2022
"1987-91 Pixies (...) served up depraved powerpop in viscera-dripping, three-minute gobbets. Which is why it was so disappointing when 2010s Pixies abandoned that velvet menace for professional competence on 'Indie Cindy', 'Head Carrier' and 'Beneath the Eyrie'. Trailed by their best single in years, 'Doggerel' finds happier concord between conventional rock arrangements and Pixies' twisted tropes (necromancy, hallucinations, Neil Young). They lose their punkier edge without seeming over careerist. Still, it's no coincidence that the single, the lupine "There's a Moon On", is the rawest meat on the menu, a thrilling take on classic 50s rock".
d. 9. okt. 2022
Ieva Kisieliute
d. 9. okt. 2022
"monotont og klynkende, medrivende og fortryllende på skift. Selvom vokalen nogle gange er enerverende, er der nok drive i instrumentaldelen til, at man ikke skal hænge sig i den ... Det er dog bedst, når melodierne flirter med 50'erne og 60'erne, som 'Haunted House' eller 'Pagan Man'. Begge er en perfekt blanding af slagkraften fra tyggegummi-pop og punkens rå energi".
Heather Phares
"Though Pixies will probably never perform in Stetsons, Doggerel reflects an acceptance that their music doesn't have to conform to expectations. Leaning into the earthy influences of country and folk may not be an expected move for the band, but it feels surprisingly natural ... Doggerel pushes the boundaries of what a Pixies album can be, but not aggressively - quite the opposite, in fact. The peaks may not be quite as high as they were on Beneath the Eyrie, but it's still a lot of fun to hear the band's reinvention".
d. 30. okt. 2022
Kasper Schütt-Jensen
d. 30. okt. 2022
"Det, der gjorde album som 'Surfer Rosa' (1988), 'Doolittle' (1989) og 'Bossanova' (1990) til udødelige mesterværker, var det nøje afstemte miks af aggression og melodi. På aktuelle 'Doggerel' - det ottende album fra Pixies - savner man i udpræget grad det sidste".
2022 October
Emily Mackay (musikanmelder)
2022 October
"If you stop ranking them against 'Surfer Rosa' for a second, The Pixies in 2022 sound relaxed, happy, and wide-ranging, stretching out into airy melodies and gothic-country swagger where they feel like it ... If we can now safely conclude that the Pixies are unlikely to hit the heights of early days, then let's face it, it's the rare mortal who can; but it's also the only slightly less rare mortal who can make albums as solidly good as this one".