Musik / rock

Doom Crew Inc.

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 23. nov. 2021



Paul Travers

d. 23. nov. 2021

"Guitars are prominent throughout, of course, but it's not just the mainman's talent on display. Dario Lorina has been promoted from his largely rhythmic role on last album Grimmest Hits, with the result that Doom Crew Inc. spills over with twin guitar melodies and competing and intertwined solos. So, there are little tweaks, but overall this is BLS doing what they do best, no more and no less. It's another spectacularly solid offering from a band who both know and own the role they play".

Distorted Sound

d. 26. nov. 2021



Tasha Brown

d. 26. nov. 2021

"Doom Crew Inc. still comforts fans of the band like a weighted blanket as it gives them more of what they want, but it also begins to lead those stalwarts away from the familiar. The new territory we explore with the further inclusion of Lorina feels more like the promised land at times. The time we spend there is luscious yet brief. Had BLACK LABEL SOCIETY fully immersed themselves in this fresh perspective, this album could have been more than great. That said, Doom Crew Inc. is more than a fitting tribute to the loyal fans and road crew, and marks the beginning of a new and exciting time for a band that really needed a new lease of life".

Spill Magazine




Gerrod Harris


"While Black Label Society may not be reinventing the wheel on their latest album, Doom Crew Inc. proves to be a tour de force. The band effortlessly finds its place between rock and metal while balancing elements of blues and classic rock along with heavier and sludgier influences, along with the occasional but no less soulful ballad. Doom Crew Inc. takes the band beyond the limits of their recent albums while digging deep with their heavier roots. As a result, it can stand beside their classic records as a strong addition to Black Label Society's catalogue, making it a latter career highlight for the band".