Musik / kammermusik


Anmeldelser (10)

MusicWeb international

2018 December



Stuart Sillitoe

2018 December

"My only other recording of this work is the classic 1987 Nonesuch recording by Steve Reich and Musicians ... This new recording can not be more different as here we have Kuniko, a multi-talented musician, playing, vocalising and overdubbing every single part herself, in effect returning the work to the early Terry Riley concept of minimalism with repeated phrases built up on tape, a true minimalist recording then ... Yes, there is more than one way in which a work can be performed and Kuniko's incredibly nuanced performance shows this. And there is certainly space on a shelf for when the performance is as compelling as this is".


d. 22. nov. 2018



Thomas Michelsen

d. 22. nov. 2018

"Den anerkendte skotske percussionist Colin Currie [har] med sin egen gruppe plus sangere fra Synergy Vocals lavet en klassisk indspilning for 12 medvirkende. Indspilningen, der har scoret topkarakter i The Times, lyder som en menneskemaskine i bevægelse ... Når musikken lyder som hos Colin Currie Group, mærker jeg, at jeg savner at være til stede. For strengt taget skal Drumming opleves live. At se det krævende værk udført, mens musikerne hyperfokuserer på puls, præcision og sammenspil er en del af værkets fascinationskraft".


d. 22. nov. 2018



Thomas Michelsen

d. 22. nov. 2018

"Stykket blev til i 1971 efter en rejse til Afrika, hvor traditionelle afrikanske rytmer havde bekræftet Steve Reich i, at sådan kunne musik også lyde: som bølger, der glider ind mod kysten og ud igen ... Drumming opføres som regel af 12-13 musikere ... Nu har en japaner indspillet værket. Solo ... Hun har gjort det ved hjælp af multi-trackindspilninger og overdub ... Fascinerende, og på plade virker den ultimativ. Tonerne springer til alle sider som hoppebolde, og på turen fra bongotrommer via marimbaer til metalliske klokkespil er det hele tiden et ultracool indtryk, man har hængende i ørerne".

BBC music magazine

2018 June



Helen Wallace (musikanmelder)

2018 June

"Though Drumming is elastic in performance, this recording at 55 minutes is almost the same length as that made by Steve Reich and Musicians in 1987. Compared to that, the Colin Currie Group's version is highly immediate and resonant ... What it misses in relaxed flexibility it more than makes up for in textural variety and range of dynamics ... [and] brings you into magic circle where every impact is precisely heard, every overtone burnished".


2018 novembre



Pierre Rigaudière

2018 novembre

The gramophone

2018 May



Andrew Mellor

2018 May

"Editor's choice: These guys have a pedigree with this unfathomably difficult score and their fresh, slick recording shows it ... On top, the playing is more than secure: confident, bright and delivered on the front foot ... A Drumming for this decade - and probably a few to come, too".


d. 13. apr. 1988


d. 13. apr. 1988

New musical express

d. 5. mar. 1988


d. 5. mar. 1988

Melody maker

d. 5. mar. 1988


d. 5. mar. 1988

The gramophone

2018 November



Andrew Mellor

2018 November

"Unsurprisingly, we get a highly focused performance from Kuniko; less joyous than Colin Currie's, more zen and internalised. With each instrumental sound identical, it is all clear as day. Kuniko's musicianship is colossal from bongo to piccolo ... Hearing Kuniko's voice in harmony with itself, and the forest of overtone sounds that unanimity of timbre generates, it's easy to conclude that this minimalist minimalism is truer to the cause. I relished it from start to finish and will continue to".