Musik / rock

Empire of the undead

Anmeldelser (2)


d. 7. apr. 2014




d. 7. apr. 2014

""Empire of the Undead" is a must buy for power metal fans, and an essential item for true Helloween fans. It is by far the most exciting and memorable release in years and continues the unbelievable run by German bands in 2014. All the ingredients are there, especially the youthful energy in the solos (thank you, Henjo Richter) and in Kai's voice. It may be an "acquired taste" for some, but I wouldn't have Kai sound any other way. He is pure metal and Gamma Ray's legacy at the power metal altar is complete".


d. 27. mar. 2014



Alex Newton

d. 27. mar. 2014

"Empire of the Undead has largely the same DNA as Gamma Ray's last three albums. The difference here is that Empire of the Undead showcases flashes of the top-notch power metal Gamma Ray built its reputation on for the first time in a while, and that, in itself, is worth your attention".

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