Musik / opera


Anmeldelser (5)

BBC music magazine

2019 December



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2019 December

"This live-recording comes ... with fuzzy sound that does the music-making no favours ... In the title role of the innocent Euryanthe, Jacquelyn Wagner is lyrical but edgy. Eglantine's moral ambiguity is inadequately embodied in Theresa Kronthaler's tense and ungainly performance ... The chorus is excellent and the orchestral playing enthusiastic under the dynamic baton of Constantin Trinks; but overall this is not a performance likely to persuade doubters".

Fono Forum

2019 Dezember



Gerhard Persché

2019 Dezember

"Loys sensible Inszenierung bleibt in dieser CD-Einspielung natürlich aussen vor, doch das Ohr is hier der Weg, und dieser ist begehenswert. Zumal Dirigent Constantin Trinks die durchaus mit dem 'Freischütz' Bruderschaft trinkende Partitur in vollen Zügen auskostet, das Stürmische ebenso wie den zarten Hauch. Euryanthe ... findet in ... Jacquelyn Wagner eine souveräne Interpretin ... Theresa Kronthaler gibt der intriganten Eglantine ... markante Kontur, tobend und wütend und so expressiv wie volltönend singend".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2002) 20. årgang nr. 6


(2002) 20. årgang nr. 6

Operabladet Ascolta

(2004) 22. årgang nr. 7


(2004) 22. årgang nr. 7

The gramophone

2019 November



Mike Ashman

2019 November

"Trinks handles the score with great drive and a good sense of scale for a modern-instrument band. As for the cast, there may be more famous names elsewhere but few identify with and project their characters as strongly through the Weber/von Chézy text. Reinhardt is ideally toned a hero as Foster-Williams is a black unmelodramatix villain. Kronthaler is especially clear in her frustrations and Wagner shining and radiant where necessary but never merely pretty ... The new Capriccio Euryanthe is recommended as the best performance on disc now available".