Musik / verdensmusik - world music


Anmeldelser (2)

The independent

d. 9. mar. 2013



Howard Male

d. 9. mar. 2013

"His previous albums have been energetic but rough around the edges. Here musical ideas (embracing everything from gnawa to reggae) have been better followed through, resulting in his most accessible effort to date".


2013 March



Rick Sanders

2013 March

"Originally from Dakar, Nuru Kane has since lived in France and London. He has picked up on this and that - reggae, funk, blues - but probably most importantly, he went on holiday to Morocco and fell for the magic of Gnawa music and took up the three-stringed gimbri. Add this to his adherence to Mouridic Baye Fall sufism - and to a strong and confident voice - and you have a rich broth of background stuff to draw on ... It is a thoroughly energetic and outgoing piece of work. Instrumentation is basically West African, but this doesn't feel like a local album. Kane's songs are too variously structured - everything from blues to singalong - to be tied down by mere geography. This may leave him open to the charge of being unfocused. In reply, he has endless boldness and vivacity".