Musik / opera


Anmeldelser (5)


2015 septembre



Didier van Moere

2015 septembre

BBC music magazine

2014 Christmas



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2014 Christmas

"Magnificent cast led by Sarah Connolly ... The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment relish both Offenbach's masterly orchestration and his rhythmic mastery ... the plot lacks divine silliness of the operettas ... score often sounds like a rehearsal for Offenbach's unfinished masterpiece. For all that, it's very good to have this lost work recorded so stylishly".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2014) 33. årgang nr. 3



Henrik Marcussen

(2014) 33. årgang nr. 3

"Fantasio er blandt Offenbachs senere værker. Det er fuld af poesi, humor, yndefuld melankoli og gode melodier ... Anset for tabt indtil en rekonstruktion i 2001 blev foretaget ... Overalt høres fine og kompetente sangerpræstationer hvor især Sarah Connolly i bukserollen som Fantasio viser stilsikkerhed og smittende energi ... Fantasio er et glimrende værk".

International record review

2014 November



John T. Hughes

2014 November

"Connolly and Rae sing admirably, alone or together; Braun and Murray make a well-contrasted pair ... The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment plays spiritedly under his [Mark Elder] direction and, like the chorus, contributes much to this initial recording of Fantasio, which should please many".

The gramophone

2014 November



Richard Lawrence

2014 November

"There are certainly some beautiful numbers, such as the duets for Elsbeth and Fantasio, and the orchestration is a joy ... The cast, led by Sarah Connolly and Brenda Rae, is first-rate, and Sir Mark Elder provides faultless direction".