Musik / folk

Flyin' shoes

Anmeldelser (2)

Record collector

465 (2017 April)



Jamie Atkins

465 (2017 April)

"Flyin' Shoes was his first studio effort for five years on its 1978 release, and suggests that hard-won experience had led the man himself to the same opinion.While his earliest work (notably debut For The Sake Of The Song) suffered from a kitchen-sink production mentality that befell many singer-songwriter efforts, here Townes is mostly content with a fairly generic countrified backing - world-weary harmonica, stately steel guitar, lonesome mandolin - confident the songs will do the heavy lifting. And for the most part they really do".





J. Poet


"This is another stalwart collection from Townes Van Zandt, and not a dud in the bunch. The melodies here are strong, the lyrics full of Van Zandt's razor sharp insight, and the production is sparse and to the point, bringing to mind the inconspicuous polish of High, Low and in Between. The feel here is a balance between folk and country, with Van Zandt's voice and guitar up front, letting the songs speak for themselves".