Musik / rock

Fun house

Anmeldelser (2)


d. 25. okt. 2021



Rory Marchum

d. 25. okt. 2021

"Meg Duffy's latest outing under the Hand Habits moniker is a further kaleidoscopic insight into the mind of an accomplished musician with far more to offer the world beyond playing guitar for many of their US indie contemporaries. 'Fun House' sees Duffy traverse multiple sonic terrains, often in the spaces of a single song, as they lean on everything from soaring heartland rock, thoughtful folk balladry to lo-fi, hook-laden dance pop. A luscious record bursting with ideas, technical flourishes and unexpected turns ... Duffy's greatest achievement yet".


d. 27. okt. 2021



Will Gottsegen

d. 27. okt. 2021

"With stark, introspective lyrics and fuller production, Meg Duffy's latest is a bold foray into poppier sounds. It feels like a fresh start".