Musik / rock

Goat Girl

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 2. apr. 2018



Adriane Pontecorvo

d. 2. apr. 2018

"For its chaos and often mismatched layers, Goat Girl is an album that shows a well-developed skill set, and how Goat Girl the band has more to it than initially meets the ear".


d. 5. apr. 2018



Leonie Cooper

d. 5. apr. 2018

"Wonky, weird and resolutely DIY, South London's Goat Girl make the kind of ragged, jagged music that's at once spookily ominous and utterly exhilarating. The four piece's debut album is a grubby, clattering thing that takes its lead from 1980s LA punk trailblazers like X and The Gun Club, who took traditional country music and fed it moonshine until it fell down in a ditch, then scraped the mud off its jeans, handed it a microphone and a broken electric guitar and made it walk through broken glass to sing in a grotty toilet venue bar over a broken PA system".


d. 9. apr. 2018



Eve Barlow

d. 9. apr. 2018

"The debut LP from this South London band is absurd, playful, and more than a little unsettling, sounding at times like a less romantic Libertines".